Meta Question

Jude's avatar

How do YOU pronounce Fluther?

Asked by Jude (32210points) October 28th, 2010

Vet jellies, remember this? mine is jmah.

For shits and giggles, record yourself saying “Fluther”. My favorite was Zebra’s. “Fla-ther”. Sexy is as sexy does. (great voice).

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19 Answers

erichw1504's avatar


[ floo-ther ]
noun, verb, fluth-er-ing, fluth-er-ite

iamthemob's avatar

I pronounced it like brother.

CMaz's avatar

Stick your hand in your mouth and say “BUTTER”.

jonsblond's avatar

@ChazMaz pics or it didn’t happen.

seazen's avatar

Rhymes with schkluther.

Jude's avatar

Now, how many people stuck their hand in their mouth and said butter?

bobbinhood's avatar

@mama_cakes I definitely did. I can’t believe I just admitted that.

Blondesjon's avatar

[kik] [as]

Gamrz360's avatar

Like flu-ther.

bob_'s avatar

With a slightly noticeable Mexican accent, seƱorita.

perg's avatar


Cruiser's avatar

The only REAL way to do it is with a mouthful of Salteens….everybody together now…


Jude's avatar

@bob_ You need to record it for us. :)

MissPoovey's avatar

Well heck, I like all of the various ways. None match the way I’ve been saying it in my head. In my head, I’ve been saying it as if the ‘h’ is silent. Flutter.

jonsblond's avatar

@MissPoovey You must have caramel stuck to your teeth if you’re saying it like that. lol

Jude's avatar


I rolled around in sandwich and am waiting for bob to come back with her schexsheness (said with headgear on).

downtide's avatar

To rhyme with brother.

bob_'s avatar

@mama_cakes Um, her? Boy, do I really have a surprise for you… in my pants XD

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