What do you think about news item stating police attacked this man?
Just seen this article on the news about police attacking this male. There is now an investigation in place, but clearly the cctv footage shows two officers hitting the male.
I find this very disturbing.
What would happen to the police where you live?
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The only comment I have is the clip is clearly edited at the beginning which implies footage pertinent to the “whole” story here was edited out. Why remains to be seen. My guess is this man did something to provoke the response from the officers during that edited out segment. What I did not see was a wanton ass beating by these officers who appeared to be merely trying to get this man to cooperate who clearly wasn’t.
I would agree with @Cruiser . I do think there are some police that do abuse that authority but I also think they have a very dangereous job and are often at a huge risk. Way to often a point is trying to be made when one is not there. On officer in the line of duty has to get control of the situation and then can sort out what is going on. I had to call the police on my two sons who were fighting at 3 in the morning because one of them pulled a gun. The police came knowing that a gun had been pulled so they brought dogs and all weapons drawn and made everyone get down on the ground with the guns pointed at everyone. I thanked them later but they had to get control before they could relax and find out what was going on.
Yeah I saw this, not clear on all the facts but I do know he’d just been stabbed. Looks to me like a woman officer near his head is doing some punching too. Whether or not the guy provoked the situation I don’t know.
Provoked or not, once he’s on the ground and restrained there’s no reason to be punching him.
That said the video is edited.
I’ve seen our police do this before, it’s what they called “getting the prisoner to comply“.. They punch his arm to deaden it to make for getting the cuffs on easier, dead arm, less restraint :-/
How tiresome people are become. Whining about wanting polce protection out one side of their mouths and then fussing that the police were too mean to that poor man out the other.
I’m all about rehabilitation of criminals and will be the first to step up and say that our system is counter productive to same. Until we change the way we house and treat our penal population, and make a few other changes that prevent criminal behaviour, this segment of the population will continue to grow and be more of a danger to society.
That being said, the police have a really tough job keeping our asses safe from all kinds of people who have different standards of conduct than the “norm” of society. They live outside society. If they don’t just come quietly, act belligerent, or refuse to cooperate, I fail to see that the police have much choice. Thier first priority is to subdue and netralize any potential threat the person holds, and that threat can be directed at bystanders as easily as police.
I didn’t bother to watch an edited video and it is possible that in this case a continued pummelling of the person was unwaranted. It happens sometimes, but I would also submit that in a situation like that adrenaline runs high and there should perhaps be some sort of study/ies done to find ways to counteract this very normal human reaction to excitement. It has been remarked upon before involving high speed chases. The problem is that no matter what decision is made, ie. police must now back off and allow a suspect to go free if certain parameters are met rather than endanger the public by speeding through neighborhoods, a sacrifice is made and everyone is not going to be happy.
I would olve to hear from someone standing there bitching at police when the criminal got up and got away and in the process injured said bystander. That’s what the police are there to prevent. They walk out their doors everyday knowing that they are putting themselves in harm way to keep us safe. They are underpaid an underappreciated. I understand that there are police who should not wear that uniform but I believe them to be in the minority. As long as there are those who refuse to abide by the law, we will continue to need law enfoprcement.
Kudos to them
Absolutely appalling. For the police to say there was more to this than was visible to the eye is a complete crock.
@Cruiser @tedd @Trillian Yes the footage has been edited it would seem, but one of the officers appears to be beating this man around the head. Surely this can’t be acceptable?
@JustmeAman That must have been really frightening for you. Thanks
@ucme @marinelife I suppose we don’t know what happened for the police to restrain the man
BTW My cousin is a police officer, and I have heard many shocking accounts from him. I think they have a tough and thankless job to do
@partyparty Without question it is a disturbing video and a face value is troubling in the least. Again that cut section I believe contains the information we need to piece the whole story together. If you look at the video Mr. Grace can be seen shouting angrily to someone off camera and then the footage is cut. Was he attempting to retaliate to the people who hurt him and had to be restrained?? Was he resisting treatment from the police officers who may have then felt it his best interest to be retrained in order to receive the medical treatment he needed? It appears he is a big man and may have needed extra persuasion to go with the flow in that highly charged situation. In defense of the police they were dealing with a situation that involved a stabbing and intoxicated people at a party. NOT a calm situation in the least. This News story has more info but still no clear conclusion as to what really happened.
Although I respect the police and the job they do, I do realise it is just that a job. They are no different to you and me. They do their shopping in the same supermarkets as us, drink in our local bars, in essence they are regular folk, just like us they are not super heroes!!
When confronted with exceptional circumstances (that we are not yet fully aware of in this situation) they may react with a gut reaction just like you would.
I cannot say what you are viewing in the video is right but it may well have been necessary.
I am not a policeman nor am I making excuses for them. This guy got stabbed for a reason it may well be the same reason he was resisting arrest, we don’t know.
All I ask is not to judge these officers before the whole story becomes clear.
PS: I’m not a policeman or anything to do with the law.
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