Meta Question

timtrueman's avatar

What brings you back to Fluther every day?

Asked by timtrueman (5768points) October 29th, 2010

Aside from the guacamole…

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46 Answers

wilma's avatar

The folks.

janbb's avatar

Habit; I try to quit and I get the shakes…..

OpryLeigh's avatar

The new set of questions/discussions every day. Simple but true.

kenmc's avatar

A mix of boredom and friendship.

Dog's avatar

I never actually ever leave. ;)
I think I may be glued to the seat…and what is this heavy ball and chain thingy?

CyanoticWasp's avatar

Shakes. Guacamole shakes. It’s a habit now.

Blondesjon's avatar

The attention.

i’m a whore

Sarcasm's avatar

How could I not stay? With Dog, Chyna, Markyy and gggritso, there’s too much sexy that I couldn’t handle being away from.

marinelife's avatar

I loooovvvvvvve guacamole. Also, I am addicted to answering questions. Something I never knew until i came onto this site.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Oh, it’s a Q from @timtrueman so he must want a technical explanation. OK. When I interact on Fluther with other jellies it releases endorphins and my seratonin levels go up and stuff and when I get a GA and my lurve score goes up it’s a direct jolt of significant amperage directly into the pleasure CENTERS OF MY BRAIN! <panting> Anybody have a cigarette?

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

It’s you, baby

Nah, lol…it’s everyone.

liminal's avatar

Just when I think there is nothing happening here something draws me in.

Sometimes, I feel like an animal in that experiment where it intermittently gets fed when it pushes a button. It keeps pushing the button with hopes of getting something real in return. I come back looking for something ‘real’ that will engage my brain and heart. And, what others said, the peeps.

edit: And procrastination!

chyna's avatar

Ok, seriously, the guacamole is a lie. I’m still waiting for mine and it hasn’t shown up yet.

I joined in August of 2008 and have never left. It’s the people, especially the sexy ones like @sarcasm, jeffgoldblumesprivates, the questions, the answers.

@jillthetooth I need a cigarette after that.

MissPoovey's avatar

I keep comming back for the endless lurve..

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Sweet holy moly, to try to see if all those who are all hat and no cattle can posibly that day come up with a logical answer that is not a bunch of smoke and mirrors. :-)

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

To learn The diversity of topics is fascinating. They are like a mental workout.

To help others It might be through personal experiences or through doing a bit of research for them. It jazzes me when someone says “Thanks!”

The Jellies I’ve spent a relatively sheltered life surrounded by like-people to a certain degree, including 24 years at a company that pounded into us all the things that are un-PC, so we really knew little about each other’s thoughts and feelings outside of the office.

Here, it is a breath of fresh air. The people are smart to very intelligent and diverse in a variety of ways. And they are open to caring about people that they probably will never meet. Sure…that happens in the real world as well, but I’ve never found it so concentrated in one spot.

gggritso's avatar

My reasons for being a member have changed quite a bit over time. When I first discovered the website, what kept me coming back was the satisfaction I got for helping someone else. Being useful is a great feeling, and I even had a handy counter to show me just how useful I was.

A few months passed and I discovered that I was drawn in more and more by specific people. I discovered a handful of individuals who I liked to talk to, whose company I enjoyed and I’m now proud to call them my friends. They kept me coming back every day (3 circumnavigator awards later).

As that was happening, I slowly stopped answering all the questions I could, and focused only on the more sophisticated questions, questions I knew I could offer some true insight in, where my contribution would matter, and questions that really made me think. I enjoyed the stimulation a lot. I felt like I was giving my brain a good daily dose of exercise on Fluther. I stopped answering any question that could better be answered by other individuals, especially ones I know are active. Lurve stopped mattering at that point.

After a while, as school, and work (or whatever I happened to be doing at the moment) started to pile up I became less active on the actual site. I now spend almost all of my Fluther time in the chatroom. Even though my zeal to answer questions (I never had one for asking) has faded, I still find myself wanting to stick around and keep talking to the people I always liked talking to. For me Fluther is still about getting that intellectual stimulation, but now I get it from chatting directly with people.

And hell, sometimes I’ll even answer an odd question or two.

Personally, I’d really love it if Fluther did more to encourage thoughtful in-depth discussions. Those are nice. Puns are fun, but I yearn to learn ;)

prolificus's avatar

The Fluther shortcut icon (not the app, but the homescreen link) on my iPhone – it’s too easy to push, and it keeps calling out my name. This, and what everyone else said. Except, I don’t get the whole guacamole and pancake jokes.

Brian1946's avatar

Physical Bri is always the vehicle that brings cyber Bri to Fluther.

jonsblond's avatar

I’m waiting for one of you to do my dishes. Empty promises. sigh

Nah, I’m just stalking @Blondesjon.

chyna's avatar

^^I’m stalking both of you. :-)

FutureMemory's avatar

I have nothing better to do.

gailcalled's avatar

Milo here: I love the adulation and admiration, and I also love the chance to badmouth that blabbermouth who tends to my needs.

YARNLADY's avatar

I want to see what new questions there are and what responses there might be to questions I have already answered.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

Have another jolt to your pleasure centers, @JilltheTooth. Here, let me light that for you.

Sarcasm's avatar

Aside from the sexy, there are 2 big reasons,
1) Solving the problems that people have.
2) Talking to friends.

Used to be that #1 was my primary reason. But it seems that more and more, the questions these days are chatty/social/poll things, not really about solving any issues. I know I’m guilty of participating in some of these, but I’m not really a fan of seeing them take over everything.

Lately, I will generally hop into chat before I even read the questions posted since I’ve been gone. I have gotten increasingly close with the people I regularly see in there, and interested in their daily happenings. So that has become my #1 reason for continually coming back to the site.

lillycoyote's avatar

Because I like the sound of my own voice, as they say. :-)

I also kind of like being a smart ass. :-)

But to be honest, I’m not entirely sure why I come back day after day but I can’t seem to stop.

It’s the Brokeback Fluther Mountain Effect. I just can’t quit you.

augustlan's avatar

In the beginning, it was mainly for the intellectual stimulation, something that’s hard to find in my ‘real life’. Then, I found that I really enjoy helping people through difficult situations… it’s a way of taking the bad things that have happened in my life and putting them to good use. The longer I stayed, though, it really became about the community. There are just some fabulous people here!

rpm_pseud0name's avatar

What brings me back: @augustlan once said to me, “You’re kind of fabulous”. I will keep coming back to this site until I have earned the right to have the words ‘kind of’ dropped & I am upgraded to, “You’re fabulous”.

augustlan's avatar

@rpmpseudonym You better not leave after such time, either! You can’t take the fabulousness that is you away from us!

prolificus's avatar

In addition to my previous answer, not being able to sleep is another reason. It’s nice to have a place to go when this night owl is the only one awake at home.

ucme's avatar

It’s a habitual type thingymajig, I think!

Dog's avatar

@rpmpseudonym After you hit fabulous there is “awesome” and then “truly awesome” followed “totally mind-blowing amazing”. Right now I have been busted back to “you rock” which you have bypassed. I would be at “kind-of sort of fabulous” except for the unfortunate auto spell check on my iPad which insists on changing “are you” into “ate you”. (it also randomly bans new members just to make me look bad ) ~

Regarding the question I think Fluther uses subliminal imagery to keep us coming back based on our topics. I could have sworn I saw a sandwich flash as @bob_ crafted a quip yesterday…

rooeytoo's avatar

I come back because I like it here.

Ivan's avatar

Good question.

rpm_pseud0name's avatar

@Dog & @augustlan: I was unaware that the verbal accolades extended beyond the ‘fabulous’. I now have reason to stay with this site until I am deemed, ‘Fabulously-mind-blowingly-awesome’.

mrentropy's avatar

Not a lot these days. I’m down to checking it once a day, maybe once every couple of days.

Gamrz360's avatar

The new questions that are asked everyday, and the friendly people who are on here.

JilltheTooth's avatar

The comfort of virtual friends after a difficult evening of being blindsided by ignorant judgment.

Dog's avatar

I really do not like guacamole… But I do like jellies.

gailcalled's avatar

@ipso used the word “polysemic” in the Joseph Conrad quip. I love learning something new before breakfast.

J0E's avatar

It’s place in my bookmarks bar.

janbb's avatar

@gailcalled Some days one has to eat breakfast very late!

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