Social Question

Brian1946's avatar

How often do you use valet parking?

Asked by Brian1946 (32799points) October 29th, 2010

What steps have you taken to avoid valet parking?

What bad experiences or annoyances have you had with valet parking?

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17 Answers

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

The only time it gets used is if I’m staying at a downtown hotel that requires valet parking and there isn’t any other option. There haven’t been any bad experiences though. In fact, it feels like pampering.

poisonedantidote's avatar

Never, i have only ever seen it in the movies. we dont have that here.

pearls's avatar

The only time I will use it is if the weather is cold or it is raining. Also, if it is dark and I am not familiar enough with the area. Otherwise, I will park myself and walk.

MissPoovey's avatar

I used valet parking today when the ladies and I met for lunch. The parking there is terrible, so I valet parked and the resturant validated. All it cost me was the tip. I don’t always valet where the have it, but I do when the only other parking is on the street.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Not much anymore but I used to use valet parking at particular hotels and restaurants if I and/or my guests were dressed in heels or to avoid extreme heat. The only time I had issue with valet parking was with a new sport car of mine being raced away and onto the street in a manner I wanted to reserve for myself only. Grrr.

chyna's avatar

I have never used valet parking.

Kayak8's avatar

I do it all the time, but I have trouble walking some days.

jaytkay's avatar

One time my parents and I waited for 30 minutes after asking for our car. It reeked of cigarettes when they finally returned it. Weird.

Otherwise I’ve had no problems, though I rarely use it.

jerv's avatar

I have only ever used it once in my life, and the poor guy had a hell of a time with my clutch. Generally, the only way to get my car keys involves doing something that would prompt me to press charges. Nobody drives my car except for me and my wife.

YARNLADY's avatar

Never, unless it is required.

woodcutter's avatar

we used it once while we visited a hospital only because my wife was not ambulatory. Otherwise we would have left the car in the parking lot. It worked out the day before I cleaned it out so I felt ok the driver wasn’t sitting in a dirty car.

john65pennington's avatar

Never use valets. do not trust them. i have too many weapons inside my vehicle.

woodcutter's avatar

@john65pennington good grief brother how many b.a.g.‘s you need?

OpryLeigh's avatar

Never. I don’t think it is as popular here as it is in the US.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@john65pennington: My mother is a receptionist for a dealership and has ranted and raved at the number of people who leave their pistols inside the driver’s door pocket and then bitch when they call in to find we’ve locked their weapons in the store safe over the weekend. I wish more people took their firearms as serious enough not to leave them casually about with gum wrappers and Mac Donald’s bags.

sleepdoc's avatar

Don’t really ever… although I had to for one place I went to last week because it was the only parking there.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@sleepdoc: That annoys me too, when a restaurant blocks off so much of their parking lot for valet that you have no choice, especially when the valet is all but empty.

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