Social Question

NSFW... Are you, can you be, do you like to be... nasty?
Is nasty the new sexy? Are the two related in any way?
Thinking back on my sexual relationships, I’ve noticed that what starts off as sexual, usually turns out to be nasty. But I’ve never experienced starting off nasty, and having it turn out sexual. In fact, starting nasty is usually a sexual turn off, for me anyway.
What’s up with that? It bothers me because I’m wondering where love comes into play in all of this. Should it start with love, then sexual, then nasty… circling back around to love again? How does one accomplish love first when attraction is still such a big part of the initial game? And honestly, it seems the longer the relationship lasts, the nastier it can become sexually… evolving to a point of freakish.
Are certain people built this way? Is everyone built this way? Is this methodology broken? Is this a problem? Is it a problem to meet someone whom you like very much, but have the nastiest sexual thoughts about? It seems so lustful. But is that a problem?
I mean really… Who doesn’t like to be talked dirty to?