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[NSFW] Are there other industrialized nations out there as "nipplephobic" as the US?
Which other ”Industrialized” nation that is as nipplephobic as the United States? One would seem that a nation that suppose to have men so ga ga over breast and apparently lots of women too, that the least thing to worry about is being nipplephobic. Where size is not suppose to matter and women want men to look into their eyes and not speak to their rack many, many women spend big bucks for the sole purpose of attracting attention there. And on top of all that you can show the top of the breast, the side, even the bottom but NEVER show that evil nipple; even the imprint of it under the clothes but fully covered is a no-no check this one out, here,
and really here prime example Other than places like the Middle east where you would not expect to see any part of the breast where else are they as nipplephobic as herein the US?
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