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ucme's avatar

How have you decorated your home for Halloween?

Asked by ucme (50052points) October 30th, 2010

Yeah, here in England Town it’s way less of a big deal. I mean kids will be out trick or treating & such but the majority of homes show no outward sign of any change from the normal. I’ve seen a few adorned with window stickers & lanterns but not many. So, how about those of you in the U.S or Canada? I’d like a vivid description of how your home looks, both inside & out, to mark this occasion. I’m really nosey I know! Oh by the way, if there are any Brits who do “go big” for Halloween, feel free to let us know.

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40 Answers

Coloma's avatar

I hung a sign on my ranch gate that say’s ’ Turn back now!’ lol

daytonamisticrip's avatar

I put a carved pumpkin out front and my seemingly vicious dog in the front yard to warn us of trouble making brats.

Seaofclouds's avatar

Inside there isn’t anything special done.

On my front porch, I have purple and orange lights all around. On my front window and my front screen door (both of which face onto the front porch), I have some Halloween window cling-on thins (some are bloody handprints and others are creepy eyes). I plan to put some spiderwebs out there later today. I had to wait because the wind here gets so bad that they would have blow away if I put them up sooner.

Coloma's avatar

Since I live in the middle of nowhere I don’t decorate the way I did once upon a time when my daughter was small.

No trick-or-treaters in these here parts, it would take an hour to walk to 2 homes on this mountain. lol

The only people that see my decorations are the one neighbor below me down the road and the occasional wrong turn or propane guy. lol

I do have a great spooky dark place by the light of the moon, perfect for an axe murderer, it would be weeks before I was discovered. haha

ucme's avatar

@Coloma Now you’re genuinely scaring me :¬(

ucme's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Why, she wouldn’t hurt a fly!

Cruiser's avatar

Yep! Not in the crazed Christmas Lights fashion I see more of these days but it is grandly ghoulish if I may say so myself!!

Coloma's avatar



Yeah, I even have antique wrought iron graveyard fencing with perfectly seasoned groaning gates…..eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! lol


I hope you are ‘keeping’ your mother in the fashion she is accustomed to.

Don’t forget to dust mom! hahaha

ucme's avatar

@Coloma I’ve said it before & by gum i’m going to say it again. I wouldn’t sleep a wink if ever I happened to find myself there. I’d be screaming for Mumsy I would :¬(

St.George's avatar

My kids have decorated the windows with decorations they’ve made along with a couple of pumpkins.

Coloma's avatar


Well, if you ever have cause to visit, never fear, I’ll just bake you some special brownies to enhance your experience.

Fear in the forest is really quite a delicious experience! hahahaha

ucme's avatar

@Coloma You’re just loving this aren’t you, Miss Rambo acting the big I am XD I’d leave some “special brownies” in my pants before the night was over, let me tell you! :¬(

Coloma's avatar


Yes, I am lovin’ it…okay..note to self: buy rubber sheets for UCME! lol

ucme's avatar

@Coloma I’d hope to leave them “squeaky clean.”

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Nothing on the inside of the house. On the outside, there are cobwebs in both bushes in the yard, cobwebs over the entire walkway, so you have to basically walk through a tunnel of them, there are gravestones in the yard, with a “Haunted House Estates” sign, orange lights adorn the walkway as well, there’s a hanging electronic bat that swings back and forth, and screeches every time someone knocks on the door, pumpkins are in the yard with the gravestones and along the bottom of the pathway leading up to the door, there’s an electronic head with chains dangling from his head in the corner of the porch, a zombie reaches up from the dirt for anyone who walks by him, a fog machine hidden behind some of the cobweb that we make go off every time someone walks up… and what am I forgetting? Ah yes, the strobe light, which looks like flashes of lightning.

….. :D I love Halloween.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I’ll try to take pictures or video so I can post them for all to see a little later. I wish Halloween lasted for at least a week. :)

ucme's avatar

@DrasticDreamer Wow! Well that certainly qualifies as a vivid description, excellent stuff.

Coloma's avatar

Oh! I am going to take pictures of my goose Marwyn in his pirate costume.

An orange leather choker with metal skulls and crossbones and a little eye patch! lol

He used to go trick-or-treating with us when my daughter was younger, he had a blue silk cape that had the initials SG for SUPERGOOSE! haha

Followed us everywhere.

He was the hit of the neighborhood, bread and water or he’d poop on your porch! haha

Mat74UK's avatar

Nope we’re going to hospital in the morning to start the wife’s labour off as she’s 13 days over now!
We’ve bought a rake of sweets though. I think I’ll end up eating them. bonus

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@Mat74UK Congrats and good luck! :)

Mat74UK's avatar

@DrasticDreamer – Thank you! We’re both proper nervous!

JilltheTooth's avatar

@Mat74UK : Good luck! Have a fabulous Halloween baby, eat too much candy and throw up with excitement.

jonsblond's avatar

Spider webs on the bushes, flying bats hanging from the tree, a pumpkin man wind chime, a crashing witch stuck to our tree, pumpkins everywhere waiting to be carved on Halloween, a sign that reads “Enter if you dare”, another sign that points towards the graveyard and haunted house. Inside I have several Halloween candle holders and decorations my daughter made.

Where we live we won’t have a single trick or treater, but that’s ok. We’ll be out trick or treating in town. I still love to decorate, even though there are only a few people that will see our decorations. My mother loved Halloween and always had great displays. She passed the love of the holiday down to me.

@Mat74UK A Halloween baby, how sweet! Good luck! :)

ucme's avatar

@jonsblond Sounds really cool. Don’t get to see much of that here as I say so it’s good to visualise.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t decorate for Halloween, but some of the people in my area go all out. Tombstones with RIP and cob webs, and ghosts, witches, jack-o-lanterns, anything and everything. It’s pretty big where I live now.

Coloma's avatar


Just came in from a few errends in my tiny tourist town and still smiling at the jack-o-lanterns someone set up on the cement walls on our bridge over the river!

At least 10 pumpkins carved with various expressions and lined up about 2 feet apart on each side of the 3 foot walls.

Dropped by my store and my boss said he is going to go put candles in them and light them tonight.

I might have to go to the pumpkin lighting.

Affirmative vandalism at it’s finest, and, bio-degradble when they get tossed overboard which surely they will. lol

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Nope, we never decorate.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I just carve pumpkins and pass out candy.Sometimes I will dress in a costume :)

casheroo's avatar

Just with some window stickers and pumpkins outside…someone stole all our little pumpkins though :(

ucme's avatar

@casheroo Those mean spirited bleep bleeps!!

YARNLADY's avatar

I usually hold off on mine until the day of Halloween, because the rain and the wind ruin everything, even though they are plastic. I’ll be out tomorrow afternoon putting them up.

Coloma's avatar


I thought you said that you…. ‘just carve pumpkins and pass out’ haha

Berserker's avatar

My place has been decorated for Halloween for the past six years. I always go to places like dollar stores and stock up on Halloween decs during that time of year, put em up everywhere and just fail to take them down lol, then it just adds up. But this is done on purpose mostly, because I like plastic skeletons and small pumpkins made of glass. It’s my style man, the only things I regularly take down is the outdoors stuff.

ucme's avatar

@Symbeline Do you know? Why am I not suprised? Good on ya! :¬)

MissAusten's avatar

We don’t have any decorations inside, but put a few things outside. We hang a Halloween wreath near the door. It’s made of twigs and has wooden ghosts, bats, black cats, and pumpkins all over it. On either side of the front steps are little scarecrow-type decorations that stick in the ground. One is a ghost and the other is a crow. And of course, there are three jack-o-lanterns on the porch, one for each kid.

I also have some fake jack-o-lanterns hanging on the side of the house by the front door. A couple of years ago I bought some of those fake pumpkins you can carve. I got them at a craft store. I cut them in half, carved different faces on each one, and then hung them on the brick wall where there were already nails sticking out of the brick. I had one extra pumpkin half, so I put it on the little stone hippo that sits on the porch. It actually looks really funny, like a fat dog wearing a mask.

We don’t get trick-or-treaters here, but the porch looks fun and festive and the kids get a kick out of helping put the decorations up. At Christmas, we do the opposite: decorate the inside of the house but have almost nothing outside!

Coloma's avatar


Don’t forget the slurppy sipping zombie dolls.

YARNLADY's avatar

it’s nearly 9 pm and we’ve had like five visits, with several children each. This is the slowest Halloween ever.

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