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PhiNotPi's avatar

What is the coolest fish to own?

Asked by PhiNotPi (12688points) October 30th, 2010

What do you consider to be the coolest fish to have in a fishtank. To be specific, the fish should be freshwater, able to be in a 35 gallon tank, and not something that would try to kill everything else in the tank (should be moderately agressive).

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13 Answers

Coloma's avatar

Some sort of catfish would be cool.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I had moonlight gouramis that were very pretty,but my favorite was a black sailfin molly that was friendly :)

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ucme's avatar

May I present Daddy cool! Assorted bugs land on tank…...goodnight sweetheat. Love those little fellas.

daytonamisticrip's avatar

Not really a fish but it doesn’t require land just water. An african albino frog

jaytkay's avatar

Dang, fresh water, because otherwise the answer is clearly an octopus. Not a fish, but still…

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

The coolest thing to own would be a mudskipper.I know nothing about raising/keeping them but they are cool.They look like mini monsters:)

Moegitto's avatar

Catfish, by far. They livelong, are easy to maintain and most are bottom feeders(Meaning they eat scraps). Get some albino’s and cory’s to start, then get a pleco algae eater and watch your buddies go!!!

truecomedian's avatar

Crawfish, oh wait that’s not a fish and would eat the other fish. A purple tang, there saltwater but it would live for awhile.

woodcutter's avatar

I like the parrot fish, the bright orange ones. They should be OK in a 35 gal tank. They aren’t aggressive and they have personality.

mrlaconic's avatar


El_Cadejo's avatar

Freshwater is boring as hell. Set up a saltwater tank. Its really really not that hard at all. Not like people make it out to be and if its something you want to do, I’d be more than happy helping you out with anything you need to know to get it started.

As such, I submit my answer of a Frogfish.
here is some old pics of the one I used to own

They will eat anythinig that can fit in their mouth but god damn theyre awesome.

Even better than a fish though, a Peacock Mantis Shrimp. By far one of the most bad ass animals ever and theyre a really easy animal to care for. I’d post some video links if I had more time, but check them out on youtube, also try finding the video about them from TED its amazing.

xMissMorganx's avatar

I personally think the clown fish would be the coolest fish in the fish tank. Even though, it isn’t aggressive, it’s still pretty sweet. for aggressive fish probably a shark. A little mini shark hahah :)

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