General Question

roundsquare's avatar

Any good free music editing software?

Asked by roundsquare (5537points) October 30th, 2010

I have a few ideas for some weird al style songs I’d like to try out… anyone know any good software?

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7 Answers

Vortico's avatar

GarageBand on a Mac is perfect. You’re out of luck on Windows in the “free” category unless you can put up with Audacity. If you want to get serious about making music, consider scheduling some time at a local studio for a couple hundred dollars.

roundsquare's avatar

@Vortico Yeah, I’m on windows. Why is audacity so bad?

Vortico's avatar

It’s not so bad, but compared to other DAWs, it lacks in a number of areas. Will you only be recording music from a microphone?

roundsquare's avatar

@Vortico I’m not sure. Its a weird al type idea I want to play with… so I need to download a song and put my own lyrics in… I guess it’ll all be on a microphone.

rentluva5256's avatar

Noteflight is a pretty good website. It’s free and easy. And it’s perfect for what you want.

llewis's avatar

I like Audacity. I tried a number of free programs and it came out on top for my uses – recording real instruments/vocals and then cutting, changing tempo or pitch, etc. Not sure how easy it would be for what you describe, though.

sandalman's avatar

I can’t recommend anything free, but if you can pony up $49 at least, you might want to take a look at .

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