What is the best treatment for when you have a broken heart?
I dumped my boyfriend but I think it hurt me more then it did for him.
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15 Answers
Keeping yourself busy so you don’t dwell on it.
In my experience the only cure for a broken heart is the passage of time.
The only treatment that really works is to count the days as they go by. You can help them pass quicker by doing volunteer work to keep your mind occupied.
Definitely stay busy. If you have thoughts or feelings about what happened coming your way, avoid them at all cost, eventually they’ll pass. Spend time with other people in your life too, they can help.
Not to sound like a broken record, but I agree with everyone else here… stay busy, work out etc… the hurt is a negative feeling, but don’t drive the negative feeling into negative energy because it leads no where good… instead do something good for yourself.
Get a new bf. Problem solved.
”...I think it hurt me more then it did for him”
That’s why it hurts you. Ego is a rascal. Vodka is a rascal trap.
get busy, find a new bf, EAT CHOCOLATE, do something with the ones you love, friends, family, dinner, party, shopping
I don’t think you have a broken heart. I think your feelings are just a little hurt because he wasn’t devastated. BTW, you should have used than instead of then. You don’t want to sound ignorant, do you?
Spend some money on yourself you might have otherwise spent on him and make it something special that you have wanted for some time. I also have found it very therapeutic to have a nice raging bonfire and burn away the letters and memento’s of the failed relationship. You will feel better in no time.
As others have said, time is the best cure. I lost the guy I loved and that was 9 months ago. Some days I wake up and feel like things are getting better and other days I feel hopeless. You’ll have your good days and you’ll have your bad days. Time is only what works I guess.
Broken hearts do mend, but it sometimes takes a shitload of time. Wallow for a bit, than find distractions. Do things you really enjoy. Eventually, the painful or obsessive thoughts will lessen.
Luckily the holiday season is upon us. Gather up some friends and relatives and decide how you all are going to help someone else feel better. Will you collect sweaters for the homeless? Volunteer at a soup kitchen? Bug the neighbors to hand over some extra cans of dog and cat food to take to the local shelter?
Be busy, but do something helpful for other people. Cook, but don’t over-eat. Go to or plan a party, but don’t over-indulge. Make a pact with a good friend to get out and walk every day. Visit some places you’ve never been or haven’t been in awhile like the Zoo, or a museum or go to a play (a funny one!!!). Keep yourself occupied (in a positive way) so that you don’t have a lot of time to brood over this guy. You know you did the right thing when you broke up with him.
A friend of mine told me a few years back that the best remedy is to get busy with someone else. I scoffed it off as a typical “man’s move” but damn if he didn’t have something there :)
Thank you everyone for your fantastic help you have all made me feel better.
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