Do you have people that make you not want to listen to them?
How many people do you avoid? Do you know people that 90% of the time when you have to speak to them even for legitimate things it digress in to a ventfest? They seem to think you want to hear about how the dentist screwed up the appointment or overcharged them, what new they believed their ex did, or how their old man did this or that again, how their back is always aching and they can’t get it to stop. I have my own problems I don’t have time to hear theirs for the 6th time that week. Do these people think it will get better by repeatedly telling me than coming up with a workable solution or just forgetting about it?
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6 Answers
There is a fellow who lives in the same building as me, actually he’s my resident (I’m an RA) and he can be very ‘difficult’ to listen to. He has an endless number of stories about himself, all horrible, that he tells to anyone who will listen, and the worst part about them is that he talks about people that no one else knows by their names, i.e. “This one time, Billy and Chris…” I mean, we have no idea what to make of his stories because we have nowhere near enough context to relate to him. We have begun to remind him of the fact, but he has yet to really get it, which is unfortunate.
Ya. But I just put on the ipod and tune them out.
My life is filled with talkers. I’m a talker but a rare one, I listen. Most people are just looking for a way to reach out, and thats the best way that they know how. If you listen, question and remember it shows that you care. So next time when you ask him about his condition he will have less too say about that and maybe something more interesting for you.
Some of the greatest characters I have ever met where some of the most miserable mf’ers you have ever seen. But empithize with their suffering and you will get past that annoyance shortly.
Some cousins, I will literally cross the road to avoid them. No matter how busy the flow of traffic, coming through….screeching brakes! :¬)
I have had my two closet friends both going through major relationship crisis for the past 2 years! Gah!
One I have finally let go of as her emotional issues have taken a toll on our friendship and biz. partnership.
The other I only speak with in the mornings as she has a tendency to have a few drinks and call at night and ramble on f-o-r-e-v-e-r!
It is one thing to be supportive and empathetic to others going through stuff, but…it is entirely another when every ‘conversation’ is all about that persons drama over & over.
I have no problem saying ” I don’t want to talk about this again right now.’
I also have no problem letting go of people that can’t or won’t get a grip on their issues and DO something about them.
The healthier one gets the less you are willing to be party to needless drama and helping others keep their ’ woe is me’ story alive.
Allow me to be the editor! lol
I had a co worker that would go on, and on about herself and her life history whether you wanted to hear it or not. I could actually tell her I don’t want to hear that, and it wouldn’t shut her up. If something happened that day she would bore me with the story and then every customer that came in had to listen to it….eeeeek gah
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