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john65pennington's avatar

Would photo ID on Social Security Cards deter identity theft?

Asked by john65pennington (29283points) October 31st, 2010

We have photo Id’s on drivers license, so why not on our Social Security cards? There is a two-fold reason for this: 1. Some people have lost their drivers license due to traffic tickets or other means. A Social Security Card photo Id could be used in lieu of the lost drivers license for identification purposes. 2. Social Security cards are a main form of identification and are frequently stolen for criminal gain. And, isn’t it time for a roll call, to see just who does and does not belong in America? New Social Security photo Id cards would give America a “fresh start” in solving identity theft. The cost to make this transition would be heavy, but so are foreign wars that we will never win. Question: Would photo Id’s on Social Security cards deter identity theft?

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