I’m reposting my post from the last thread since this thread started right after I posted it and I don’t think anyone saw it :(
Last night Richard, his sister, and a few of her friends went out to this Halloween thing. Richard was Robin Hood (and told people he was only scary to the rich) and I was BatGirl (all I had was a sequins mask) It ended up being sooooo boring so after a few drinks and laughs, we left to some club/bar. There was lots of dancing and drinking and smoking and it was a ton of fun.
At this point some crazy shit went down and NONE of the cash machines had money and we were convinced that it was an apocalypse and the Americans (me) were taking over England and everyone would be fighting over dumpsters because no one would have money to pay rent. ^_^
Then Richard’s sister, her boyfriend and one of the friends left, and Richard, another friend and I went to another bar.
Then we had shots called Birthday Cake. And more shots a TRAY of shots. Beer. SoCo and lemonade. More beer.
Then we went to another bar. More beer.
Then we left and I fell over I don’t know how or why but I remember part of it and my knees hurt.
Then we had shitty takeaway which wasn’t shitty it was actually delicious.
Then we got a taxi and the friend left and Richard passed out in my lap and I had to direct the driver where to go even though at this point I was obliterated and didn’t really know where I was.
We got home and Richard went straight to bed.
We got home at 5.
I was still drunk at 11am.
I fed us both Tylenol/Advil and water.
Then I realized I was wearing Richards Fluther t-shirt and he proceeded to tell me that it was in the back of the cupboard so I would have had to go looking for it. HA.
My body feels like hell but it was one of the best nights I’ve had in a long time. Sorry this was so damn long :D
ALSO I FOUND OUT YESTERDAY THAT RICHARD IS TAKING ME TO PARIS IN TWO WEEKS AND we got his interview date for the visa which means we’ll be heading to SF soon.
AND, we set a wedding date. :)