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If we Blame the Economy, isn't that a bit of a cop-out? Aren't we really blaming ourselves?
I have a big problem with this. It’s like The Economy is some type of sentient being (a beast) that rewards and punishes us. Do we really need to personify it? Are we that fearful of accepting responsibility for our own decisions/actions? Must we create a false God/Devil to BLAME things upon?
Who voted the policy makers into office? Who stood by and allowed America to become a nation of import and services? Who grew fat upon the media ad-hoc of self entitlement?
I did. If you want to blame a person for the troubles in our nation, then blame me. There is no need to invent a monster. I’m right here standing in front of you.
Who will change this nation, it’s law makers, it’s policies? Who will encourage the entrepreneurial spirit to create new industry? Who will educate our society to efficiently evolve new exportable technology upon the world stage?
I will. You will. We will.
When the circumstances of our lives change, for better, or for worse, do we have anyone other than ourselves to blame or thank because of it?
Are we victims of an unseen force? Like Gravity… Is The Economy anything that we must bow to?
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