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jonsblond's avatar

Have you ever drank or eaten anything to the extreme, and never consumed it again?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) October 31st, 2010

Willworkforchocolate’s question got me thinking. I once had so much tequila, I never touched hard alcohol again. That was many, many years ago.

Have you had a terrible experience with food or beverage that has kept you from consuming it again?

Please divulge your horror story.

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31 Answers

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Cinnamon Aftershock. Oh… my… god. I got so sick one time after drinking it (before I was 21), that I vomited just by smelling it. I was about 17 at the time, and I’ve never gotten near it since.

perspicacious's avatar

Banana pudding; I ate so much while pregnant I never really wanted it again.

weeveeship's avatar

Thai hot sauce.

Palindrome's avatar

Ramen Noodles-
[horror? worse.]
So I woke up feeling really sick one morning (menstural cramps, whole body gets hot then cold, sick to the stomach, nauseous & all, bowels all messed up)...I usually take ibuprofen for my cramps to go away but it takes a good 15 minutes to kick in and also at the dosage I take I have to eat something so I won’t get more sick. So my mom makes me Ramen Noodles. Something quick and easy. I eat it with no appetite what so ever just because my mom was forcing me to. I then take my medicine with a lot of water. A good 5 minutes after I get extremely nauseous and vomit all the water, Ramen Noodles, and anything else I had in my stomach. After having that horrible taste in my mouth, I NEVER touched Ramen Noodles ever again because it made me feel even worse. Usually people say they feel better after they vomit; I just felt worse. I literally started rolling on the ground because of the pain my body was going through. My mom ended up taking me to the ER because she didn’t know what else to do. Had to be the worse day of my life healthwise.

augustlan's avatar

Oh, yes. Peach Schnapps is the fucking devil, I tell you. In my early adult years, I had an illness that would not let me consume very much alcohol before throwing it back up… I never even got tipsy before the hurling would start. So, one night I’m at a party and there were Fuzzy Navels. I couldn’t resist, because I loved those! I got one, and intended to nurse it all night long.

I decided to join a game of Quarters, confident in my playing skills to keep me from having to drink very much. (I always kicked ass in Quarters.) All the beer drinkers let me in, even though I was having a mixed drink. One of the players (a guy I’d never met before) was being quite an ass, annoying the hell out of everyone, so when it was my turn… I slammed him. I must have hit 10 shots in a row, making him drink every time.

Little did I know… it turns out there was one better player at that table, and when his turn came around, boy did he exact his revenge on me! I drank more alcohol in the next 15 minutes than I had in the two years prior, combined. I puked so bad, and for so long, that I literally thought I was dying from alcohol poisoning. Needless to say, I can’t even stand the idea of Peach Schnapps anymore.

Oh well, Margaritas are yummy, too. ;)

ucme's avatar

Carlsberg special brew, I was 16. Blew the back of my head off, never had any of that vile stuff since.

mcbealer's avatar

The cheap frozen bean and cheese burritos you can buy in a 12 pack for about 3 bucks.
Ate them for lunch way too long because they are inexpensive, somewhat nutritious, easy to cook, and can be eaten robotically in front of the computer. They didn’t taste so bad either.

marinelife's avatar

Yes, Canadian Club and Seven Up. My college roommate’s mother had to have a chair reupholstered.

john65pennington's avatar

Basic training for the Air Force at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas.

Our first night out on the town, did me in. i had a steak the size of Texas and a pint of Jack Daniels, green label. it was green and i turned green. i consumed the green Jack in less than an hour and paid dearly for it. i threw up so many times, that i had the dry heaves. i was a sick puppy.

Since that day, i do not go near Jack Daniels. i know, it was not the whiskey, it was me and the thirty minutes of drinking way too fast.

Never again.

poisonedantidote's avatar

Baked beans. they remind me too much of when i first moved out of my parents house and lived alone. they would only cost me 7cents for a tin, and they where easy and fast to make. because of this, i ended up consuming them more or less daily for a couple of months.

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CMaz's avatar

@john65pennington – I can’t drink JD either. For almost the same reason.

Spent a day many years ago eating steak Fajita’s and drinking Jack. Needless to say, I spent the evening in the paring lot of my girlfriends apartment complex with my head hanging out her car door. I had to hose down the entire paring lot the next morning.

It was that bad. Just the smell of Jack Daniels reminds me of that evening in the parking lot.

john65pennington's avatar

2nd Answer: forgot about VegAll. i hate VegAll.

When my wife and i first married, we were dirt poor. i was a rookie cop with a rookie cop’s salary. in 1965, my salary was $329 every two weeks.

Shopping for groceries was for two weeks. we bought bread at the day old bread store. and, we had VegAll every night. i know my wife did the best she could with the little money for food allowed in our budget, but i got so sick of eating VegAll, that today i do not even want to hear that name. VegAll…........bah humbug!

trailsillustrated's avatar

escargot. use to go with my friends and sisters and drink and eat this. I still can’t touch it

El_Cadejo's avatar

Amanita Muscaria

what a fuckin night that was…

Coloma's avatar

Yep, rum.
I was 16, and sick for 3 days after a Baccardi party. Havn’t touched the stuff in 35 years.
Infact it was 35 years ago last night! lol

john65pennington's avatar

Coloma, some things you never forget, right?

Coloma's avatar


Haha, yes, fortunetly I am one that learns my lessons well the FIRST time!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Tequila hates me. My “bff” and I killed a bottle by ourselves one night and I was sooo damn sick! I was puking tequila and it was shooting out of my nose, along with the tacos I had eaten for dinner. It was so disgusting and I had a week long hangover!! I can’t really drink it anymore.

I had a very similar experience with Goldschlager. Even a whiff of Goldschlager (or any other cinnamon schnapps) makes my stomach turn.

When my mother married my stepfather, he would cook dinner about 4 nights a week, and every single time, it was freakin Hamburger Helper. It seemed like that’s all he knew how to cook in a skillet. After a few months, I took over the cooking. And never did cook Hamburger Helper again until about 2 years ago (it had been about 15 years). And even now, I only cook certain varieties that didn’t exist in my teenage years.

daytonamisticrip's avatar

Salad with an overdose of dressing. Never again, never again!

Coloma's avatar


You know what they say about Tequila?

Write your apology notes ahead of time. lol

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Neizvestnaya's avatar

Southern Comfort and Old Crow Sour Mash, never since and that’s been about 30 years now.

Blondesjon's avatar

@Neizvestnaya beat me to Southern Comfort.

ucme's avatar

Southern Comfort, fine movie. Just sayin!

Berserker's avatar

When I was little I ate a whole Oh Henry bar and then I downed this thing of chocolate milk. I got sick.
I’ve consumed both those things again after, but never at the same time haha.

jonsblond's avatar

@Symbeline You just reminded me of a time when I was really drunk and was eating Cheetos. This was my senior yr of high school. My stomach started to hurt, so I drank some Pepto Bismol. I had the nastiest vomit that night, as you can imagine, with all this orange and pink spewing from my mouth. I’ll eat Cheetos now, but for some reason I won’t touch the Pepto. lol

El_Cadejo's avatar

ohhhh pretty colors :P I vomited salmon and blueberries once. That looked pretty cool with the pink/blue thing lol

I think pepto is one of the greatest tasting things every lol

Coloma's avatar


Thanks for that! She who is barely awake drinking coffee. Bleh!

El_Cadejo's avatar

anytime pal :P

seazen_'s avatar


I can’t even think about them.

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