Am I just being paranoid?
My boyfriend has added a school to his facebook page. A school that he didn’t attend. He isn’t living far from this particular school which is 951km from where I am (He is away working long term). I can’t help but think he’s cheating on me with a younger girl. Am I just being paranoid?
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15 Answers
You’re probably just being paranoid; there are a number of less-sleazy reasons to add a school to your Facebook.
Ask him about it. I do not doubt that you’ll be reassured by the answer.
Communication is the most important part of a successful relationship. If you can’t ask him this simple question, your relationship is not likely to go far.
He may have friends that attend this school. Is it a uni? Most universities have activities announced online.
I also agree with @YARNLADY.
Its a high school and I’m not sure why my boyfriend would be hanging around it for… he is 25 years old.
Yes, I think you are being a little paranoid. He added a school, a school near him, to his facebook page, not a girl. He could have done it for any number of reasons. Chill out.
I think that is strange. To add a high school he never went to. I don’t know if that means he is cheating, but lying like that is odd to me. I know it is the internet, but I think most honest people, who have their real names on their page, don’t put a fake high school. Do you know for sure he never attended it? Like maybe he graduated from a different school, but went to this other one for a year or something?
@jLeslie im 100% sure he never attended there, he has only been here for 3yrs. He was educated overseas.
He could have male friends that attend this school. We can only speculate. This is a question you need to ask him. Try not to sound like you are prying. Just bring it up in casual conversation. “I noticed you added blankety blank on Facebook. Do you have friends there?”. I would only worry if he gets defensive when you ask, but that is still no guarantee that he is cheating.
Thanks everyone for your responses, much appreciated.
I agree with @jonsblond ask him point blank. If he fumbles around for an answer then you have your answer. How long have you been dating him?
Did he add it as a “likes and interest”? If so, there are so many reasons he could have, maybe a friend is a teacher there, the kid that mows his yard goes there, he got hit up for that ridiculous cookie dough they sell for 20 bucks from that school.
If he is pretending that is his alma mata, that is different. I would just ask.
Doesn’t seem like a big conspiracy going on though.
I do think your suspicions are warranted.
I disagree with those who say there are honest reasons for adding a school that you never attended to your Facebook page. I can’t think of one.
There is a difference in adding the school, by name, in the section about education and posting a “like” link to a school that one supports.
While it doesn’t hurt to think of possible reasons and solicit ideas from others, it never seems to help making an assumption. I’ve been on both sides of the fence, and both times the one making an assumption was wrong.
@kayak8 brings up a good point: did he add the school to his ‘Education’ list, or did he just ‘Like’ it thus adding it as a new group of interest?
I agree with @Nullo; just ask. Make it an open-ended question, such as, “I noticed you ‘Liked’ a high school group. What’s up with that?” That way, he has to answer the question with content and not just a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response. And if it is possible, do so in person. You’ll get much more out of his body language and voice inflection than if it were done via e-mail or txt.
Even if he was cheating on you with someone who went to high school, why would he add their school to his FB page? I don’t have my boyfriends school on mine because I didn’t go there.
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