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ucme's avatar

An irrational fear of cows, unusual or relatively common?

Asked by ucme (50052points) November 1st, 2010

With me it’s more the look of them. I don’t trust anything with a square arse see.They have this kind of manic look in their eyes too. It seems to imply, if you come any closer they’ll crap on your foot. There must be a name for such a “phobia,” seems to be for almost anything. How do you view them, bovine beasties, beefy treats or functional animal?

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26 Answers

Kayak8's avatar

I love cows, but I’m from Ohio and the cows we have aren’t particularly threatening.

Kayak8's avatar

Would this be taurophobia?

SelfConsumingCannibal_IsBack's avatar

I’m not sure but when I was a child if I saw a cow and there wasn’t a fence in between it and me, I would be terrified and scream and cry.

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ucme's avatar

@Kayak8 Could be, or maybe bovinaphobia. Both sound fairly feasible.
@SelfConsumingCannibal_IsBack Yeah, never liked the buggers, except for dinner of course.

Kayak8's avatar

@ucme does this irrational fear extend to ALL bovines?

ucme's avatar

@Kayak8 Yeah I would say so.

Aster's avatar

I think they look like a piece of art in Wisconsin when grazing but I sure wouldn’t approach a herd of them. I’d be afraid I’d get stomped. With me, it’s Dobermans! lol

marinelife's avatar

I love cows. We used to walk by a pasture of cows and talk to them. They were always so responsive. They would come right up to the fence.

Kayak8's avatar

This just blows my mind. I had no idea people were afraid of cows . . . What happens if we make it a clown cow (does it get better or worse)?

ucme's avatar

A clown cow!! Well that’s just way worse. What an unholy alliance that would make. Stuff of nightmares right there. IT meets Daisy arrrrrrgh!!

jrpowell's avatar

I had a cow when I was growing up. His name was “Taxi” since that was my favorite TV show. My parents told be he was traded for another cow. 10+ years later I learned that Taxi was butchered and I ate him. I’m still very pissed.

ucme's avatar

@johnpowell Not fare on poor little Taxi.

jrpowell's avatar

Nice pun.

Aster's avatar

It WAS a good pun!

ucme's avatar

Although I did kind of tread all over your grief. Such a mooving story…......see I just went & spoilt it. Always have to put my big foot & mouth in it.

jrpowell's avatar

Now you are just being a dick~

Aster's avatar

No, he’s really good I think.

ucme's avatar

Yeah, just like a dick I like to take the piss ;¬}

ucme's avatar

@Aster Bless you for that, but i’m a big dick. Can take care of myself…...this is now truly surreal :¬)

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Cruiser's avatar

Cows from a distance are fun and enjoyable to watch. You DON’T want to be within 10 feet of a cow as when the pee they PEE!! Like a fire hose and Everywhere!!! Be afraid @ucme very afraid!!

Aster's avatar

You are a riot, Cruiser. You should write comedy or something.

downtide's avatar

I was raised in the country and a lot of people, myself included, are wary of cows. They can be unpredictable and quite territorial. A lone cow doesn’t bother me but a herd of them coming towards you at speed can be terrifying.

Kayak8's avatar

I hope this thread never ends! I am loving all I am learning from this . . . anyone afraid of pigs? (ever since you saw the Wizard of Oz, I know, I know). Forget that one. Any fear of chickens?

ucme's avatar

@Cruiser Yeah go on, take the piss :¬) Only place I like to see a cow is on my dinner plate, roasted. Now that I can handle.

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