They seem to have three things they use as get out clauses. they are, telling you to “wake up”, telling you to “do some research” or using a pascals wager for whatever their thing is, such as “well, dont believe me if you dont want to, more bomb shelter for me” or “well, dont believe me if you dont want to, ill be the one laughing when the new world order comes to pass” or something like that.
Really, you cant argue with them unless they know how to argue and how to be logical and rational.
The main way conspiracy theories work, is they take a load of small coincidences and points, and then claim there is just too much coincidence for it to be a coincidence. and then propose an explanation that really does not explain anything. The way to counter this, would be either by debunking all the little coincidences and points, or by pointing out loads of little counter arguments and claiming there are too many for their argument to hold water.
Take the 9/11 conspiracy for example. they say, what about building 7?, what about jet fuel not being able to melt steel?, what about there being no clear pictures of a jet hitting the pentagon? what about the buildings falling in 9 seconds? therefore… bush did 9/11. when really, saying bush did 9/11 with nothing to back it up except the dozens of questions, is just like saying aliens from the planet zoot did 9/11.
The way you would debunk this would be, dont you think building 7 could have taken some damage? do you think the steel really needed to melt and not just lose some structural integrity? do you think security cameras could really photograph an object flying around 600 miles and hour? do you know that if you count it properly the buildings fell in 11 to 12 seconds? do you really think bush was smart enough? do you really think no one would have spoken up by now? therefore, its just a crazy conspiracy theory.
However, just because most conspiracy theories are wrong, dont go thinking that the world is totally legitimate and that there are no dirty deeds or corruption. Conspiracy theory usually has some truth to it. For example, the conspiracy theory that all TV is a mind control project by the government to keep us dumb. Just because that is a bit crazy and a a bit paranoid, does not mean TV does not make you a little bumb. The same goes for 9/11, while bush was no doubt not behind it, dont think they have given everyone all the facts. they probably still have some people now, a decade later, trying to figure out exactly what the hell happened and how it happened.