Do you think that ET's are the "great delusion" of the bible?
It says in the bible that in the last days God will give people a “great delusion” so they may believe the lie. Do you think that extra terrestrials are that great delusion? Comments welcome.
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20 Answers
God has already given himself up as the great delusion.
Can someone explain to me why god would want people to “believe the lie”? This is something I have not heard of before.
a. Can you provide the quote from the Bible?
b. Sounds like Project Bluebeam. (Not that I believe it, just that it sounds similar.)
What… No banter tonight??
As an ET myself, I deny any responsibility for that.
@keybo 2 Thessolonians 11: “for this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness”....
Extra terrestrial life is believed in a set of different levels. From those who claim to have been actually abducted, to those that simply suspect they may exist but dont fully believe.
When you take in to consideration that the majority of the world is religious, and religious people dont tend to believe in extra terrestrial life so much, all be it with some exceptions like scientology. I think you could say, that the majority of the world do not believe in aliens. there may be some hot spots here and there, but for the most part I think people don’t believe in them.
With that in mind, i don’t think it could be considered a great delusion, simply because i think great is used in the context of a far spreading and viral delusion, not a delusion that is great as in hard to believe or grandly deluded.
On a more serious note, I would guess that believing the here and now and what the material world has to offer is the be-all and the end-all is the Great Delusion the authors of the Bible were speaking of.
@ETpro thank you for you comments…
”...God sends them a powerful delusion…”
That’s the internet silly… 666 is translated as WWW in Hebrew (the ancient language used letters for numbers, just like the Romans).
Yep, that’s right! Every time you log on to the internet, you’re actually taking the Mark of the Beast.
Now let’s take a little trip through the past, back to the last time all men could speak as one tongue… God was so displeased with the Tower of Babel that he sent a spirit of confusion upon the earth so that people could not understand one another any longer in their own native languages. Fast forward 4000 years, and gaze with wonder upon the new Tower of Babel called the World Wide Web. Once again, all peoples from all nations are able to communicate with one another instantly (thanks to Google translator)...
We’ve been so successful at creating this new Tower, proclaiming mankind’s great glory, that we’re rapidly moving towards global Cloud Processing. Funny how there are numerous verses in the Bible which Christ proclaims his return, “You will see the Son of Man coming on the Clouds of Heaven”…
Cloud Processing?... Clouds of Heaven?... Hhmmmmm…
12/21/12 maps to the Hebrew ABBAAB… Hebrew is read from right to left, translating to BA ABBA.
BA’ABBA means “Father Returns”.
this monkey’s gone to heaven
6 is also the number of man. So 666 is putting man at the level of the trinity.
I thought 7 was the number of the Lard.
A shame, then, that the Mark of the Beast is 616.
As far as I know, at the time the Bible was written the concept of extraterrestrials did not exist.
Maybe the idea of a great delusion was a result of people suffering from schizophrenia talking about their experiences of hearing voices and seeing things. Healthy people have not had that kind of experience and couldn’t explain it.
The GREAT DELUSION is supposed to be a DELUSION SENT FROM GOD to Humanity that many will believe THE LIE, be decieved and damned by it(2.THS.2:7–12).. What is it? Good question! Is it ET’s or UFO’s? Well, the UFO/ET situation is certainly real enough! As many SIGHTERS indicate they were SCARED TO DEATH BY IT(Luke 21:10,11)! Are the UFO/ETs of INTERSTELLAR ORIGIN, INNER EARTH ORIGIN, PARALLEL DIMENSION ORIGIN, or what?? Biblically speaking, THEY could be all three! If we assume that UFO/ET’s are FALLEN ANGELS(DEMONS) manifesting or materializing(transforming)
their presence into what we see in the skies as UFO’s, or in person as ET’s…Then these
EVIL BEINGS began up in Heaven with God and cast down here on earth, after rebelling
and being defeated in the famous WAR IN HEAVEN!! Thats explains origin #1. Then from
prehistoric Earth, their defeated status caused a SATANIC TRANSFORMATION from
godly Angels to ungodly Demons, hence, the name, the OLD SERPENT DEVIL, or SATAN.
This part of their story on earth picks back up in the Garden of Eden. This explains origin
#2. Finally, we learn that aside from their PHYSICAL REPTILIAN APPEARANCE, these
and SPIRIT TRAVEL from place to place, GHOST & APPARITIONS. The Bible indicates
that these DEVILS can transform themselves into an appealing ANGEL OF LIGHT(2.COR.
11:13–15). This part of their GREAT DELUSION has been witnessed many times by
ROMAN CATHOLICS who claim to see numerous APPARITIONS OF MARY telling them
special instructions! This explains Origin #3. Therefore, the GREAT DELUSION is not
one single thing(UFO/ETs), but most likely a combination of various things! But certainly
the UFO/ET phenomenon is one of those GREAT DELUSIONAL THINGS! Because they
are a DECEPTION or DELUSION, They are conditioning mankind to believe that all the
ANCIENT ET’s that have motivated humanity through out the ages are PREPARING TO
GO PUBLIC!! If it ever happens, many will be CONVINCED THAT FIRST CONTACT HAS
How has “ABDUCTING” UNWILLING HUMAN VICTIMS given us proof that they are here
to help us?? How is MUTILATING CATTLE proof that they are here to help us?? How is
IMPLANTING UNWANTED DEVICES into Abductees Bodies proof that they are here to
help us? How is all the LOST PLANES & SHIPS in the DEVILS TRIANGLES proof that
they are here to help us?.. THEY HAVE NOT BEEN, NOR WILL THEY EVER BE, HERE
INTEND TO HELP MANKIND!! But stay tuned and watch world events unfold that shed
more light on the subject of the benign UFO/ET’s coming to a town near you…
I’m sorry, @sls48, but what? Anyway, welcome to Fluther!
It’s now Nov 18, 2011. The Thrive Movement has begun (you tube Thrive movement trailer). It’s crediting the greatest energy known to mankind—a proven energy that will save the world – to ancient alien’s that might have “created” us and the earth. The documentary was released in 10 languages world wide. Do I believe “aliens” could be the great delusion? Yes. I do. And the father we come along in time, the more I’m inclined to think so. Another video worth seeing is the UFO- evolution connection. It was videoed during the first Christian-alien Symposium (youtube) It’s approximately 2 hours long, but worth the watch.
Welcome to FLuther, @Kellie, I can’t take the time to watch a 2-hour video tinight, but I do look forward to checking it out. Of course, if ancient aliens did father life on Earth and tweak it to generate humanity, that just moves the question of abiogenisis from Earth to wherever these anciant aliens came from. I will say this after viewing the ThriveMovement trailer. The Internet is a wondrous tool to gather information, but it’s also a fabulous tool to spread BS and claim dots that are wildly separate all connnect to point to the conspiracy theory de jour. A healthy level of skepticism is a great tool to aquire before setting out in search of the “hidden truth” on the Internet.
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