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ucme's avatar

If you're having a bad day, who's generally the first person you think of calling?

Asked by ucme (50052points) November 2nd, 2010

Oh you know, a shitty day when nothing seems to go your way. They happen from time to time right? Sometimes a good old chinwag on the phone to your nearest & dearest can help ease away those frustrations. So, who ya gonna call? Nobody better say ghostbusters! :¬)

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24 Answers

Emililly's avatar

My best friend, she is like a sister to me! But if you’re really close to one of your parents, then I’d try them…they have most likely gone through what you are and can help a lot!

heresjohnny's avatar

Ghost… aww, damn.

When I’m having a really bad day, I generally don’t want to talk to anyone. If I’m just feeling a little down, I call up my good friend from high school. She always seems to cheer me up.

Lightlyseared's avatar

At work…normally the crash team.

ucme's avatar

@heresjohnny Hey, now you just watch yourself okay :¬)

YARNLADY's avatar

My Mom, but she passed on over 25 years ago, so I just talk to her in my head.

Blondesjon's avatar

My bartender.

rangerr's avatar


janbb's avatar

Best friend; when we can, we walk and talk it out.

Jeruba's avatar

I don’t call anyone to complain about my day. Never have. It simply doesn’t occur to me to use the phone that way.

lillycoyote's avatar

No one. When I’ve had a really bad day I like to retreat, to home and relax and kind of lick my wounds and then when I’ve recovered a bit, in a day or two, I will call one or the other of two friends and maybe talk to them. I’m not big into burdening my friends with my bad days. Most of us have a number of thing that we are all dealing with and talk and vent and kvetch when we’re not necessarily in the middle of the mess.

This doesn’t mean that we aren’t there for each other. The night my father died I called my best friend Annie, from the hospital at 3:45 a.m., and she picked up and was right there, totally present for me, at that moment.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Katawagrey, if she’s available. With school and all I don’t want to interrupt her studies, but she always gets it and makes me feel better.

SkulpTor's avatar

My gal! She knows how to cheer me up especially when a project is just not going to way I tell it too….she know how to listen and make it all right! Cheers Babe!

MacBean's avatar

“I do not seize the phone and call anyone when I feel miserable. This is one of those acid tests that separate the true loner from the person who is alone but would much rather not be: even in the gloomiest gloom, it is not my instinct to talk it over. Not that I am sufficiently brilliant as to console myself every time. It is more of a wallow. But instinct is instinct, and instinct will out.”

Anneli Rufus, Party of One: The Loner’s Manifesto

Berserker's avatar

My friend Jess. For company rather than to vent, but I always end up venting either way…still, she does it to me, too. :D

GracieT's avatar

Like @yarnlady’s my mom has died, but I talk to her first. Then a good friend’s mother whom I call mom, and then one of my friends.

FutureMemory's avatar

I’ve vented to Simone a few times lately. She always makes me feel better :D

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Oh. I’m guilty of venting to Simone, also. What can I say? Simone is an excellent listener.

AmWiser's avatar

I call my bottle of wine, the only one who willingly, and has to listen to my tales of woe.

ducky_dnl's avatar

My bestfriend or my friend Nick. (: Also, like @yarnlady said. My mom isn’t dead, but my friend is. I vent everything to him.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

My best friend, after so many years it’s instinctual. I keep myself in check though since he’s also an ex spouse and I really respect the relationship he has with his lady love. I now look to my partner to be that friend to me but it’s a whole new exploration and adventure.

FutureMemory's avatar

@TheOnlyNeffie She’s not too hard on the eyes, either.

Lorna's avatar

My s/o, always.

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