Social Question

Is there such thing as inevitability?
Not including death as we know it
Now this is kind of a horribly vague and psuedo-deep question but I can’t think of a better phrasing for it.
I’m trying to say something that I didn’t think of in words so I’m having issues with the mental translation…
But so in my Lit class reading all these books, so many people come up with themes like ‘we can’t live without society’ or ‘someone has to suffer’ ‘someone’s always at the bottom’. And they’re not new ideas or anything, just seeing them all up on a board, seeing dry-erase marker so permament, it started getting to me.
I guess what I’m trying to say, is things we take for granted as have-to-be’s… what of them actually have to be? Do we really need them all?
Right now I’ve just finished Brave New World and in it so much was treated as inevitable progress, necessary sacrifice for the greater good. And all these things in the story were necessary for ‘happiness’ and ‘stability’. But other things were necessary for ‘artistic beauty’, and other things still for ‘scienctific truth’. And depending on what overarching goal you strived for, things in your life were necessary and predetermined.
And I just… really?
I felt so trapped, all of these ideas of the inevitable closing in on me. And so in my mind I spun out the other direction and started seeing nothing as necessary, and instead of trapped I was lost…
And then, the awful thought: is creating necessity is necessary, inevitability is inevitable, and about what doesn’t really matter?
History, all those things that happened in the past, mass murders and the invention of the wheel and language. Even life. Things we consider inevitable because time, in our sense of the word, has made them concrete. But were they really?
Does any of this make sense? Matter? Or are these thoughts just inevitable themselves and fairly irrelevant rambling?