Where you live, when you go to your polling place, does someone "announce" it when you are about to actually vote? (see details)
I’ve lived in and voted in four states over the years and for the life of me I can’t remember if they do this everywhere else or anywhere else, for that matter.
In my state the voting protocol/procedure is:
1. Check in at the table. Tell the poll worker who you are, he or she finds your name in the log, you show your ID, you sign the log next to your name, the poll worker writes your name on a card and gives it to you.
2. You go over the to booth, hand your card to the guy who is “manning” the booth(I know sexist language…), he takes the card and announces “Lilly Coyote is now voting.”
3. You go into the booth, vote, exit the booth and leave. You’re all done.
Do they “announce” that you are voting in your state?
I just love that part. I know it’s stupid. I guess it’s the kind of thing only a voting nerd like myself could get worked up about.
What’s the procedure where you vote?
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25 Answers
No.I have never had them do that.I might like that if they introduced me as Keith Richards.XD
No, they do not do that here. The strangest thing I have seen was 2 years ago when we had to tell the check-in people if we wanted a red (Republican) voting card or a blue (Democrat) one.
I can see how one could enjoy that. It has an “Oy ye! Oy ye!” vibe.
Never seen that. I’ve voted in four states and six cities.
Something new I saw today – when they put a paper ballot in the machine, it would kick it out and the poll worker would say, “It was rejected because you did not vote for Illinois Secretary of State. Do you want override toi that or go back and make a choice?”
They don’t do that in California! Not sure I would like it; seems like too much checking up on me. Knowing I voted is one thing; knowing exactly when (and therefore which ballot) is a little too close for comfort.
I am not familiar with the practice.
It is sounds really cool though.
I wish they did it in my state/precinct.
It gives the impression that you have skin in the game.
Which you do.
They don’t do that in NYS. Today was the first time we used the new ballot system. No more voting machines as a result of that Hanging Chad incident in Florida awhile back. We were the last holds outs I understand. So tonight I got handed a ballot and a black sharpie and had to fill in the bullets of whom I wanted to vote for and then when I was ready go over to the machines that read it and store the paper ballot. No one announced anything. It was a quietly uneventful.
Never had that happen and I’ve voted in four states.
@Supacase Are you sure you weren’t voting in a primary? That’s the only time they will have party ballots. You can only vote in one party’s primary each year; that’s true in every state. You cannot vote two ballots.
No announcement. Not even a cookie or a trumpet flourish, unless we provide it ourselves. We mail our votes.
I guess it makes sure that you’re alive. A dead person wouldn’t be able to stand up to such scrutiny as he or she was announced. Perhaps we in Philly should take up the practice. But then, the cemeteries are too crowded as it is. Sending all those voters back…. ;-)
They don’t even check your ID at my poling place.
@chyna It was funny today. I went to vote and the two people in front of me had to show their IDs, which was a new one on me. So I went in ready to get out mine, but they never asked for it. I suppose it helps that half the people in the room were neighbors who pretty much knew my face and name. My face was my ID. Whatever.
@zenvelo I guess I can sort of understand that feeling but it’s not like they come into the booth with you or broadcast who you’re voting up on the jumbotron or anything like that.
”.. the poll worker would say, “It was rejected because you did not vote for Illinois Secretary of State. Do you want override toi that or go back and make a choice?”
The idea that anyone would announce any particular detail whatsoever about how I cast my vote would really bother me. If I abstain from voting in any race at all it’s my business and my business alone as far as I’m concerned.
@josie Yes, exactly! It makes me feel like yes, my vote, the vote of me, the individual, LIlly Coyote, really does count. And I know, of course, that it does, but I like the practice because it really does make me feel like I have “skin in the game” as you put it. Plus, it’s like something out of of movie, one of those historical dramas where everyone goes to the ball and they make their entrance, stand at the tope of the stair, someone announces them, and they descend the grand staircase to the ballroom. It kind of makes me feel like a princess.:-)
No, it really is the “skin in the game” thing.
@wundayatta Mine was a new poling place and I had never seen any of those people before, the ones in line or the poll workers.
@jaytkay That’s weird. I chose not to vote in a couple of judicial races because I didn’t have a clue who the people were or there was only one person running. Not the first time I’ve left blanks. And yet nobody second-guessed it.
@josie Isn’t that what the little “I voted” sticker is supposed to do? I stick all mine on one of my Nalgenes.
@perg Wait, you got a sticker? I didn’t get one. Hmm…
@perg and @lillycoyote
Yes, it was weird they announced out loud when somebody skipped a vote.
I think it was limited to state-wide races. There were dozens of judges on the ballot, most uncontested, I can’t imagine everybody voted for them. But I only heard the “you didn’t vote” question regarding state offices.
@perg I didn’t get a sticker either! Maybe the announcement is sort of an “in lieu of” sticker kind of thing in my state.
If I don’t get my sticker, I ain’t leaving!
Going back tomorrow for my damn sticker. They owe me.
Pretty much the same, except without the announcement.
Yesterday after the one checked my info and I signed my name, they handed my id down the table to the last person. That person read my last name and said it real loudly to another person with a clip board across the room. Not that I was voting, just my last name.
Perhaps there are voting judges around the country at some voting places. People who are supposed to make sure there isn’t voter fraud.
That was the first time I have ever noticed that names were shouted out loud. It was crowded and everyones last name was shouted.
I thought it odd, but didn’t really pay attention to it.
They don’t do that in the UK. It’s all very quiet.
@downtide I guess it’s all very quite, at least until Parliament is in session, and then it seems kind of like a Philadelphia Phillies home game, but one where the fans aren’t quite feeling well; not quite up to their usual boorishness.
We yanks may be course and uncivilized, but our Congress is better behaved, I think. This caused quite a bit of controversy over here.
I’m just kidding, you know. I don’t want to cause any international tension.:-)
Oh they televise the UK parliament sometimes, and it’s like a bunch of kids bickering in the playground. Sometimes it’s hilarious. Sometims you just despair that these people are running the country. And no matter which party gets in, it’s always the same.
@downtide I’ve seen the British Parliament on television here and it is pretty funny; a lot different than our Congress, but trust me, even though Congress is a little quieter, some of us still often despair “that these people are running the country. And no matter which party gets in, it’s always the same.” Sadly, things are not a whole lot different on this side of the pond.
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