Well, we’d never be an openly admitted Theocracy, just like we’d never be an openly admitted Socialist nation. But in practice, we are far too eager to legislate morality. I still don’t understand the smoking bans all over the country. Why can’t I decide which restaurants I want to go to, based upon what they offer, rather than what local gov says they should? That’s just political leveraging for the next election. Some of our local campaign ads accused their opponents of being bad because they didn’t support smoking bans… yes they ran on that platform, and they set the whole freaking thing up just so they could.
I’m being a Realist rather than Pessimist. If my negative outlook existed in the face of solutions, real solutions, then I’d be a pessimist. But calling a spade a spade is not pessimism. That’s realism. But things are far too ugly for anyone to want to take a good look at reality.
Offer me solutions, as I have above, and show me how the nation is moving towards making those solutions manifest in reality. Then I’d be happy to be more optimistic. But realistically @CaptainHarley, there is no light at the end of this tunnel. And it’s not because of who’s in office. It’s because the American people have become fat, lazy, deceitful, greedy, boisterous, and altogether just plain stupid upon the junk food that ill conceived media feeds our minds with.
Things won’t change until we suffer a bit and stop blaming everyone else for our problems. This must begin on an individual basis, person by person, neighborhood by neighborhood, community by community, city by city, state by state… In other words, from the bottom up, and from the heart. But instead, we turn on the tube and listen to comedians complain about why things aren’t changing from the top down. Formula for disaster, and so contemporary American, for it allows us to continue blaming others for every little problem in our lives.
We can begin by paying off some of our credit cards and car loans. Then go say hello to a neighbor and ask if they need any help around the house. Build community strong… Start changing things on a personal level first, and watch with wonder as everything else falls into place naturally from there.