Let me clarify:
I am going to the trouble of doing this not so you can openly debate the moderation decisions but to give you a glimpse into the moderation process and the thought that goes behind it.
Also the helpful notes I am adding are my own and may not reflect the moderation staff as a whole.
I am hoping that you glean the information you need to use your ample imagination in a way that will stimulate interesting and even thought-provoking discussion here.
——————- Questions – Oldest to newest (Meta questions not included)———————
“Do you think Karate Kid Part 2 and 3 should’ve been made in reverse order?”
This question is up and was not moderated.
“Is Richard Simmons proof that sometimes even God can sometimes make horrible, horrible mistakes?: I mean how could god make a creature so vile and confused as Richard Simmons if he was perfect?”
Rejected for poor quality. As mentioned prior we do not find questions that bash other humans, even if they are celebrities, acceptable.
On a side note this feels slightly gender-phobic. Perhaps you did not intend this, but for the record, at Fluther we do not believe in any form of bashing or racism.
Gay bashing even in jest has no place here and is not tolerated.
“If you had to sleep with a Golden Girl, which one would it be?: If suicide wasn’t an option and you HAD to sleep with one of the Golden Girls, which one would you do and why would you pick her? lol”
Rejected for poor quality. Again this is mean- spirited and does not provoke a thoughtful conversation aside of more bashing of sex with senior citizens. We have seniors on this site and they are witty, brilliant and even sexy. Open your mind and expand it beyond putting others down.
“Wrestling fans, would any of you like to see Hornswaggle finally get the beating of a lifetime?”
This question is up and was not moderated
“Does anyone else think Al Sharpton is a bigot and a racist? Why or why not?: I do because he’s always screaming discrimination and always blaming white people for every bad thing that happens to black people and that keeps the racial tensions high and I’m sure he knows it.”
This question is up and was not moderated.
“If Michael Jackson was still alive and you was going to die, would you rather him or Marilyn Manson raise your kids and why?”
This question is up and was not moderated. (But that being said it has no details at all and was vulnerable to moderation for bad prompt.)
“How would you want to die?: I want to die peacefully like my grandfather…Not like the passengers in his car who was screaming and yelling the whole time! AHHHH!!!”
This question is up and was not moderated.
“Is it just me or does anyone else think that Karate Kid 2 and 3 were made in reverse order?”
Rejected as a duplicate of your previous question.
“Is Richard Simmons living proof that even God can make horrible, horrible mistakes? LOL? : this is just for laughs”
Later a quip after a response: “Wow. what a serious answer to a question that specifically stated it was just for laughs. Anyway, thanks for your input. Here’s you a star.”
Rejected Another reason aside of the duplicate (and the reasons the original was rejected) is that you asked this clearly to post a joke and did not want a discussion unless it continued to make fun of the subject. As mentioned- that’s not the way we roll here.
“Not that I would want to be faced with such a horrible, horrible decision; but if you had to, which Golden Girl would you sleep with?: Oh yeah, suicide’s not an option. LOL.”
Rejected for poor quality and as a duplicate of a rejected question.
“Would anybody else like to see Horswaggle finally get the beating of a lifetime?”
Duplicate- you asked this already.
“Does anyone else think Al Sharpton helps keep racial tensions high? Why or why not?”
this is a duplicate but it has not, as of this writing, been removed.
“Diarrhea and Godzilla ared quite similar… When either is around you know an attack’s coming and that it will be brutal. What are your thoughts on this and do you agree or disagree?”
Rejected There are a few problems here. The first is a typo. Please use proper spelling in your questions and responses.The quips in this question have a few typos- just take your time to post and re-read to be sure. The second is that there is nothing in the description at all. We are here to discuss topics and details are needed. Just popping a title and skipping the details is enough to get it pulled for low quality. The third thing is that really the question is written more as a joke than an actual desire to solve a problem or to have a conversation.
Just to let you know, I do not take the trouble to do this unless I think a member has potential. I am certain you can be clever and witty without demeaning others. I am also certain you can ask questions that are real questions that make others think, while still having an underlying element of humor.
But I would like to see your non-witty side as well. Your intelligent side that can bring quality responses to the questions of others and maybe even solve a problem or really help someone in need.
I hope it helps.
I have to go to work now. I am way behind.