What is something different that you do than anyone else?
Is there something that you do differently than anyone you know or have observed? It could be physical, behavioral, emotional, psychological, etc…
Why do you do it differently? Have you always done it like this? What do other people think about it?
If you don’t, then do you know someone else that does?
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58 Answers
I count stairs differently than other people. I don’t know why.
@KatawaGrey You counting stairs, period, is different enough on its own.
I try to use words more precisely. For example, I wouldn’t say “different than” unless I had been recently hit on the head, or drunk, or both. I would say “different from”, because “different” is not a qualitative thing that can be measured “in relation to something else”. We don’t say “he is [more] different than she is”, we say that “he is different from her”.
Jeruba would have said it herself, and much more elegantly, had she seen it first. So I do this differently from her, too.
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@CyanoticWasp Thanks for informing me about my grammatical mistake after I can no longer edit it!!! ~
I count stairs all the time. How does one do it “differently”?
@CyanoticWasp really, that sounds pretty idiosyncratic. if you lose count do you go to the bottom and start again?
@mammal not if I’m counting from the top.
People count stairs???????I go up mine in the pitch dark at night and just feel my way with my right foot as I go. Heck with counting. Laugh out loud. What I do differently is pick apart my pie in layers. I eat the top crust in pieces first…most times with my hands and than I use the fork to eat each piece of fruit out of the center seperately and then I eat whatever is left with pieces of the bottom crust. I get yelled out for eating my pie with my hands and then get accused of playing with the rest of it. In reality I am totally one with my pie. Is there something wrong with being totally in the moment with my pie? Laugh out loud.
I don’t overreact, throw my toys out the pram. I know a fair few people who let their emotions get the better of them. They just end up looking pretty silly & a little pathetic at times. So I guess that’s what I do differently, calm relaxed & able to stay cool. Happy days!
I want to know how @KatawaGrey counts diffrently from other stair counters.
@JilltheTooth she pauses and laughs in a Transylvanian accent like The Count from sesame street.
I pat my pets differently. I pat them backwards a lot. I have never seen someone do this and doubt I’ll ever meet someone who pats pets backwards.
Actually, @mammal , for the record, “he’s” my daughter… :-) Which is why I’m surprised I don’t know this…
@JilltheTooth well, i’m sure there are lots of things one doesn’t know about one’s children, which is rather comforting wouldn’t you say?
I think the way I convert Celsius to Fahrenheit in my head is different from the way that most others do.
From what I know, most others probably don’t bother getting involved with making that conversion in the first place.
Anyway, I take the Celsius temperature, double it, subtract 1/10 of that result, and then add 32.
i feel really horny in the morning after a heavy drinking session, despite the hangover.
@mammal ; There’s lots I don’t want to know, you’re right, but I am curious about the stairs!
@JilltheTooth this could be the danger of having one’s relations on here, there could be more unusual revelations in the pipeline :)
@Joybird Aha! You are not alone! I don’t use my hands, but I eat the top level of crust first, then each piece of fruit, then scrape up whatever is left of the filling and eat it, finishing with the bottom crust!
I do the same thing with pot pie. I’m methodical. lol
To everyone: I count landings twice and I count the floor before the stairs. Example: My mom counted the stairs in her house and got thirteen stairs. We have one landing. Since I count the landing twice and the floor before the stairs actually start, I get fifteen stairs when I count the stairs there. Makes perfect sense to me.
@KatawaGrey Just saying, but that wasn’t all that exciting.
Thanks, @KatawaGrey. That certainly qualifies as a different way to count.
I also count telephone poles between various points (but not all the time!), sidewalk panels, wall tiles… you name it.
I always eat the perimeter of any sandwiches or burgers before I eat the center. The center is better because it has less bread and more of the good stuff, so I save it for last.
I like to eat macaroni and cheese with chopsticks.
I put my name on every page of a test before I look at any of the questions.
@Joybird If you counted your stairs, you would be able to run up them in the dark rather than having to feel your way slowly. It’s also handy when you’re carrying something large enough to obstruct your view of the stairs since it’s normally difficult to balance enough to feel your way when carrying something that large.
I bat (baseball) righthanded and golf lefthanded.
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I sniff every drink before I begin drinking it. Don’t know why, I just do!
I bake cookies using only flippers and feet.
My sister in law always could eat the swirl of flavor in swirled Ice Cream. You would go to get some Ice Cream and all the strawberry swirl would be gone and the Ice Cream would have lots of tunnels in it.
I guess mine would be that I communicate with the dead.
I haven’t seen her do it with a cone. LOL But she sure can in a box.
If there’s a new task at hand, I study it to determine the best way to do it for 1) the best quality result 2) the least intensive labor 3) and, the least outlay of cash.
However, I add to the whole task by taking so much time considering this and that. It almost feels as if the task should be done!
That splains the gosling poop on the carpet. I’ve been wondering about that.
I play golf right handed and putt left handed and right handed….depends on which way the putt breaks!
Dorky stuff:
I wear my cotton knickers inside out so the seams don’t welt my skin.
I use cotton swabs to clean my nostrils and bellybutton.
I don’t claim any one side of a bed.
I’ll eat the protein part of a meal first before the carb and then finish with vegies or fruit.
I put cream and sugar in my black tea.
@BoBo1946 Who’s a clever boy then! I’m right handed all the way, golf included. My left arm is just for ballast :¬)
loll….. well, i’ve tried everything known to man to counteract the “yips!” Days when I’ve the yips, i putt strickly left handed. On days that my nerves are good, putt only right handed…and days, so so…putt both ways!
@BoBo1946 My son is left handed & already he’s draining putts I can only dream of. Which is great & all that but, makes me look bad :¬)
@ucme hey, that is great. Lucky to have something you guys can share!!! ... My son never got interested in golf. He spent his time studying…something i would know nothing about! He has done very well….workaholic! Again, something that i would not know about!
I’ve discovered over the years that the more I think an aspect of me is unique, the more likely it is that a lot of other people share it. I’m different, that way.
I don’t believe a single word of my own bullshit.
@Blondesjon Now just how is that different from anyone else? I mean, have you ever found anyone who believes a single word of your bullshit?
and I thought I was the straight man around here ;-)
@JilltheTooth There are some doors open so wide that even I can walk through them.
I read new papers and magazines from back to front.
when i sit down on the floor, i sit on three pillows,even on my own bed
I have this habit of turning my tab to the left whenever Im drinking from any kind of can… I just cant help it… whenever I open a can it just happens! lol that way I know which one is mine!
I walk up stairs two at a time nearly every time, no matter where I am.
I wear my glasses in the shower. Similarly, the boyfriend has to count down before he turns the water off.
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