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Jude's avatar

What do y'all think of the name Wren?

Asked by Jude (32210points) November 4th, 2010

For a girl.

And, what would be a good middle name?

I got it after hearing this song. Jenny is my first name.

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42 Answers

tranquilsea's avatar

The first thought that I have is one of a female bird. As it is a woodsy type name a middle name should compliment it.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Wren + Lollia
Wren + Anise

Jude's avatar

Wren Colette?

Jude's avatar

I want to dump my last name and go by the name of Jenny Wren. :)

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Hmm, it’s not a favorite of mine. But it’s interesting.

Kayak8's avatar

I had a friend named Katherine who went by Wren (rine). That could change up the middle name choices a bit.

Kayak8's avatar

But there are always . . .

Wren Dition
Wren Asance

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Jude's avatar

What’s the character like?

CyanoticWasp's avatar

It was a good name for an architect, but he wasn’t a girl, and it wasn’t his first name.

Jude's avatar

@CyanoticWasp No soup for you!

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gailcalled's avatar

“WRENS was also an acronym during WWII and stood for


Kardamom's avatar

I think it’s very pretty. There’s a baby in the comic strip Baby Blues named Wren. I’ve heard of that name also spelled Reine, but pronounced the same.

Wren Madeleine
Wren Allison
Wren Beatrice
Wren Isabella
Wren Abigail

Kardamom's avatar

@gailcalled That’s intersting that you mentioned the acronym. I’m reading a book right now called The Shell Seekers, set in England, by Rosamunde Pilcher and the young woman in the story is a WREN.

gailcalled's avatar

@Kardamom: “Reine” is French and means “queen. Many names in Montreal use “reine.”
Marie-Reine is a good example.

“Wren” sounds similar if you skip the French gutteral “r,” but they have two different connotations.

I remember that novel from years ago.

Jude's avatar

I hate the name Bob. Haaate it.

Kardamom's avatar

@bob_ What names do you like for a girl?

bob_'s avatar

@mama_cakes Good thing it’s not my real name XD

@Kardamom I… um… haven’t really thought about it, to be honest.

Jude's avatar

@bob_ And that goes for your real name, too. ;-)

lloydbird's avatar

I like it. Although, she would be consigned to a life of saying, “With a W ” or “As in the bird” whenever she gave her name.

For a middle name, how about Andstimpy? ;-)

jaytkay's avatar

Wren EwableEnergy

Wren TalApartment

But seriously, Wren is a beautiful name.

But for some reason middle names don’t follow it well. Wren Marie, Wren Kate..

I think it works better as a middle name, Jenny Wren is kinda awesome.

Supacase's avatar

Wren Michele
Wren Elise

I agree with @jaytkay that it works better as a middle name.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

I kind of like Wren Askance now that I think on it a bit.

snowberry's avatar


Wren Ovate

CyanoticWasp's avatar

Wren Ticular
Wren Gnu

MissAusten's avatar

I like it. You can easily imagine a little girl named Wren being unbearably adorable!

For a middle name, could you look back through family names and see if you find something you like, that has meaning for you, and sounds nice with Wren? Go back several generations, and look at surnames as well as first names. Our youngest is named Colson, which is my husband’s grandmother’s maiden name. All of our kids’ middle names come from other family members. We almost named one of our boys Rosario, after my husband’s grandfather. Thank goodness we decided against that! Everyone would call him Rosie!

Pick up a baby name book. It will give you a lot of ideas, as well as a lot of laughs.

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Supacase's avatar

Wren Olivia

JilltheTooth's avatar

Something you want to tell us, @mama_cakes ? Would yoy like to wren-der some information?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I like it; it was used for a little girl’s name in a book that I once read and I remember thinking how pretty the name was.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Ooh, I like the Wren Michelle, Wren Elise and Wren Olivia. I do like the name Wren, it was popular with girls when I was under 10 years old.

laureth's avatar

I used to work with a Wren. I thought it was a sweet name. And then she told me that her two brothers were named Robin and Jay, I kid you not. After that, I just felt sorry for her.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

@laureth at least none of them were named Raven, Corvus, Starling or just plain “Birdie”.

filmfann's avatar

I believe Wren is the name of the baby in the comic strip Baby Blues

augustlan's avatar

I really like Wren. It sounds pretty and sweet.
Wrennifer? ;)

meiosis's avatar

I think of Christopher Wren. It certainly doesn’t strike me as a girl’s name

gailcalled's avatar

@meiosis: Similar to Christopher Robin. (@CyanoicWasp mentioned him ^^).

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