Have you ever known someone who was obsessed with talking?
They just talk and talk. It’s always very one sided because any small contribution you may make is fielded and immediately turned into a “similar” experience they have had.
They ignore subtle social signals that the conversation is over…subtle, like you have your coat on, purse over your shoulder, keys in hand, hand on the door….and they may very well get up to come stand by you to continue talking because you moved away from them when you walked to the door.
Someone who does that stream of consciousness conversing (to themselves, pretty much) for an hour and in the process some very inappropriate and STRANGE thing may come out, and they continue on without pause.
Or someone may make some small comment about a medical condition they have—maybe they refuse the offer of a cookie because they have diabetes—and that comment may cause this other person to launch into a long winded and totally inappropriate dissertation about issues with, say, their digestive tract with no attempt at talking quietly or privately. In fact, they seem absolutely certain that everyone is very interested in the details.
Have you ever known someone like that? Can anyone explain this?
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15 Answers
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Yes.I just had a listen to her a few minutes ago.Holy shit. XD
Yes…OMG this man does not know how to shut up. For 14 years now every time he calls or stops in at the office he can go on for hours!!! And it is the same shit every time…..AL!!!! SHTFU ALREADY!! How many customers or people do you know that you can say that to and actually be thanked in turn for doing so?? Pathological!!
Oh God, yes! This woman I know simply cannot shut up. I have heard all of her stories fifty times and so has everyone else. Anything I mention brings on the similar, yet more interesting, experience she had. Anything my daughter does, one of her children does better and started at an earlier age. In her case, it is due to insecurity. It is still damn annoying, though.
it’s just the scariest thing ever. makes you want to run away, anywhere. oh how horrible can’t thing of a worse affliction
Glad you asked. Let me tell you about MY operation.
Our friend at bingo. she is non-stop talking. i think she has a hearing problem, since she talks a lot and she talks LOUD. she can be heard a block away.
Oh, i forgot to mention she has no teeth.
I can live with her no teeth. i can live with her non-stop talking. BUT, i cannot tolerate her loud voice. it drives me crazy.
I have just discovered a new way to treat this situation. when she gets it in gear and begins her yakety yak loud talking, i just turn off my hearing aids and nod my head in agreement with everything she says. so far, so good.
Yeah….to the point where you just go back to working and THEY DON’T EVEN NOTICE!! Do you think it’s a pathology of some kind?
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Very funny @noelleptc! Actually, I’m guilty of being long winded myself at times…it happens when you’re in a one on one debate with someone else. In that case, I do read everything they wrote, and I hope the person I’m debating with reads everything I wrote. If I’m not involved in the conversation though, I don’t read it.
And, yes, I was still reading, and my day is FINE thank you!
This morning, I was talking to @lucillelucillelucille and as she was telling me a story, I got an incoming phone call so I switched lines, spoke with this other person for about 25–30 seconds and then switched back and she was still talking and had no idea I left. I couldn’t believe it. Lmao.
But no, she definitely isn’t obsessed with talking, although we both can’t seem to shut the fuck up when we talk to each other which is why we have marathon conversations that have been known to last for over 3 hours.
I definitely know a few of the people you are describing in your details and I can only take them in small doses before I start shutting down and can’t offer back the same amount of interaction and enthusiasm.
In conversation, having a balance is important. This goes both ways because it can be frustrating when you’re trying to communicate with a mute or some overly guarded individual. I don’t want to have to pull teeth in order to get to know someone, but I also don’t want to sit there and listen to someone talk about themselves for 5628956289 hours. Everyone’s social skills are different though and I do try to be tolerant, before I punch em’ in the head.
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