Where can I find the private messages I sent to someone?
I would like to re-read the messages I sent to see how they sound expos facto.
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8 Answers
I just go to their profile and I can see the messages I have sent them.
Ex post facto, you can find them on the page of the person you sent them to, if they haven’t deleted them.
Click on “Messages for You” then on the “reply” link under the person’s response to you if you want to see your entire pm conversation history.
@Blueroses has answered exactly as I would have. :)
ThanK YoU everyone, Lurve for everyone!
@augustlan But if you want to find a set of pms from a year ago, you may have to page through hundreds of pages. Isn’t there a faster way to get there?
I’ve wondered that ^^^ too. It’s especially tricky if you’re not entirely sure who you sent the message to. (And there’s no record of sent messages if the recipient has clicked Delete.)
But this system can’t have all the features of a full-fledged e-mail handler and still be what it is. I think this might be one of the areas where we shouldn’t expect much more than we’ve got.
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