With the GOP ruling the House if the economy changes little or not at all how can they claim any effectiveness?
The GOP got the House now, if the economy improves even off efforts mad by the DNC before the elections will the GOP get credit for it I know they will try ? Now that they have the House and said they are taking back government for the people if the economy doesn’t improve or improve more rapidly how will they play their seemingly ineffectiveness? Because if them having the House does little or nothing to change the course of the economy how can they say they helped? And if they filibuster and sandbag everything causing the economy to worsen isn’t that shooting themselves in the foot for 2012? To look good in 2012 don’t they have to bite their tongue and ”play nice” so any further flop won’t look like they spurred it on?
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24 Answers
Like always, they will blame it on the Democrats!
@BoBo1946 Welcome back, we kept your room here ready:-) Sure, they will try to blame the DNC but won’t that still show they were feckless because they could not change anything so electing them or not would not have mattered and all that change they said they could, or was going to do sounds like just a bunch of hype.
@Hypocrisy_Central only thing they will accomplish by taking all those seats is send a message to President Obama that spending is out of control. Having said that, where were they when GB was spending all that money! It is just another day in Washington. Same song, same verse, but a different day. Stalemate will continue.
So much short term memory loss and sheer terror.
Bill Clinton accomplished a great deal with a republican congress that fought him at every turn and he received full credit for it. I’d rather look at this as a true litmus test for Obama and see if he can rise to the same challenge.
If some unknown, redneck governor from Arkansas can do it I would think that the man who ran on “Change” should have no problems.
Did I mention that Bill had to clean up a recession and war spending left by a Bush as well?
Just be careful of what you ask for.
Some states and the Federal may have to cut services and spending by 15 to 20 percent in certain areas. North Carolina is talking about cuts that may CLOSE university branch campuses.
Bottom line folks is the Democratic majority in Congress with their damn the torpedoes tax and spend our way out of a recession didn’t work and completely backfired….PERIOD! In fact what is their last dying act they want to do???? Add to our record deficit by SPENDING Billions more on buying back Treasury Bonds that will only serve to further devalue our currency and piss off just about all our allies in the process.
Not smart, but what will happen is this “balance” of power that has been restored with all these Republican victories will open the flood gates of TRILLIONS in cash sitting safely on the sidelines to pour back into the economy and we WILL see a very robust recovery to this economy….so fast it just may make your head spin. I will not be surprised that Obama attempts to take claim for this either.
@Cruiser Republican victories will open the flood gates of TRILLIONS in cash sitting safely on the sidelines to pour back into the economy and we WILL see a very robust recovery to this economy….so fast it just may make your head spin. Any upward movement in the economy will come from Republican governors and not the House? And how do all these GOP governers do that in general since I know you don’t have their complete specifics?
Rest assure buddy that both parties like to blame one another. I find it funny. They voted the Republicans out in 2006 and when things didn’t get better they voted the Democrats out of the House and the Dems almost lost the Senate. People are fickle to say the least but during these trying times I don’t think either party has the answer. Let’s see what happens but it’s important to always stay optimistic. Things will get better.
What you have to remember is the Democrats still hold a two-thirds majority-the Senate and the White House.
The Republican victory in the House is the return to the norm in this country – the center right. The 2010 GOP victory simple was nothing more than adjusting the Democratic gain in the 2006–2008 cycle. The majority of Americans aren’t that liberal.
The pendulum swings both ways in election cycles but ultimately settles back in the historical center right. That is an historical fact.
We will never know what the spending actually did….. will we? In 30’s, there were “bread lines!” Again, Bush and Paulson started the bailout, but the Repubs have a short memory. AND, the Repubs threw President Obama “under the bus” before he took office. How shameful.
I’m a former Republican…now an Independant. Fair is fair….personally, have not been impressed with the Republican Party for a longtime. They talk out of “both sides of their mouths!” For example, and I never voted for Clinton…...but, after Bob Barr, Henry Hyde, and Newt went after Clinton on Whitewater and did not prove a damn thing…. and Starr spent 50 MILLONS on their little escapage… and, “icing of cake,” Barr, Newt, and Henry had more women than Clinton. Where are the family values here??? Truth of the matter, the Republican Party changed, not me.
Sorry folks but the government is not in control of your economy… The Fed is and we are about to have 900 billion dollars pumped into the system. That along with the continued strengthing of the economy thanks to the programs enacted by this administration. Of course the republicans will try to take credit and will probably get away with it. Especially seeing the success they have had on our uninformed electorate this past election. From death panels to tax increases the republican machine is a wonder to behold. The Democratic machine couldn’t sell a bottle of water in the desert and the electorate won’t bother to look for themselves but rely on the word of the “Spinners”.
I’m just waiting for Rod Serling to come out and end this episode for me.
@thekoukoureport Nice spin there, but where is this money coming from??? The US Obama mint printing money that doesn’t exist is where and this action will only serve to further water down the value of our dollar. Plus watch inflation swallow up and negate the impact of the value of that money in a heart beat and again is only going to serve to alienate all our allies who depend on a strong dollar and not the worthless pieces of paper they will soon become if that 800/900 whatever billion more gets pumped into the system by the FED. Plus the genius in the Treasury who thought that up probably figures what’s another almost trillion dollars added to our National Deficit and let the Republicans take the blame and try and clean up this mess in 2 short years.
@Cruiser it’s going to get better. Hopefully, by the end of 2011, things will turn around. I certainly understand your despair and frustrations. Anyone in business now are not happy campers.
@Cruiser _Nice spin there, but where is this money coming from??? _ IDK I guess the same butt crack they manage to pull billions of dollars a month out of the past 8+ years to fight in Middle Eastern sand alligators. What all those billions could have done here but neither party never thought to spend it here at home? No fire fighter, cop, or school would ever have had to close or layoff workers.
Improves: “See, we told you we could do it.”
Doesn’t improve: “We couldn’t do anything with THIS President and without the Senate. Give us mote power and we will show you how it’s done. ”
(Sorry. On iPhone. Can’t change “mote” to “more.”)
Lets see…
The booming economy under Clinton was due to Reagan and Bush-41
The failing economy under Bush-43 was due to Clinton
The failing economy under Obama is due to… Clinton and Obama?!
Bear in mind that, by many estimates, the economy actually has improved considerably in the last couple of years. I mean, CEO bonuses are at record levels, the GDP is doing good, yadayada, so who cares if a few million people are unemployed and starving? Those with no money are not part of teh economy and thus can’t make the numbers look bad!
@jerv loll.. so, all booms are due to Republicans! Even the Teabaggers don’t agree with that, much less, Democrats. You blame Obama….but, wasn’t the economy in shambles when he took over? Paulson and Bush started the bailouts, “the sky is falling!” Btw, the Bush administration spent a Lot of money also. 13 trillion!
Paulson was responsible for TARP, the rest of the blame.. as written by wikipeia;
Provisions that prohibit a bank holding company from owning other financial companies were repealed on November 12, 1999, by the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act. [2][3]
The repeal of the Glass–Steagall Act of 1933 effectively removed the separation that previously existed between Wall Street investment banks and depository banks and has been blamed by some for exacerbating the damage caused by the collapse of the subprime mortgage market that led to the Financial crisis of 2007–2010.[4] The potential to make enormous profits trading mortgage-backed securities with artificially high ratings[5] encouraged banks to take on otherwise intolerable risk in the form of bad loans. The ease with which people were obtaining home loans contributed to an artificial housing boom and exacerbated the inevitable decline.[6]
Just like in the early 90’s when Democrats made the hard choices to balance the budget and produce an actual budget surplus when W took office. Once again the Democrats have made the tough choices to help the American people at the expense of their careers. That to me is an honorable politician. Thanks Nancy, Harry and Barrack for 2 historic years.
@thekoukoureport The repeal of the Glass–Steagall Act of 1933 effectively removed the separation that previously existed between Wall Street investment banks and depository banks and has been blamed by some for exacerbating the damage caused by the collapse of the subprime mortgage market that led to the Financial crisis of 2007–2010. Arn’t greedy homeowners partly to blame? Are American so dense they can grasp variable rate mortgage? That means the interest can flex, go up or down and you know it rarely goes down, if you could barely slide into the house with the rates at its lowest how would you figure you can make the mortgage of the rate went up 2%? Too many people wanted it all, and wnated it now; even though they could barely afford it. Just because there is candy in the dish you don’t have to take a hand full.
And banks who took applications without financial evidence is not to blame?
And Rating organizations who gave AAA ratings to investments that where based on these fraudulent mortgage applications are not to blame?
And banks who under capitalized at a 30 to 1 ratio on these mortgage dirivatives are not to blame?
And investment banks who underwrote these exotic investments are not to blame?
And investment banks who bet against the very Investment they created are not to blame?
And AIG who insured the original investment for the investment bankers are not to blame?
If the Glass steagall act was not repealed, none of the above scenarios could have exsisted, thus our greed as you put it would not have been tempted.
PS. I am not a victim in this crisis. We did not refi and cash out like some, so in the end our house has still increased in value, we just pay a much lower interst now. I am making this argument because WE are all the victims of the same transfer of wealth from the many to the few. Some of us just continue to look for reasons why that should be unnacceptable.
Boy @Hypocrisy_Central Are American so dense they can grasp variable rate mortgage? That means the interest can flex, go up or down and you know it rarely goes down,
I’m sure thats exactly how those programs where sold to an uneducated populace. Thats why Countrywide, Ditech Washington Mutual, were so successful. You know it rarely goes down but do you think these salesman sold those packages like that to the consumer. Do you think that salesman during this time took a moral stance and fully explained the good and bad of variable rate mortgages. Cmon who’s the apologist in this conversation. Blame it on the people while billionaires get higher and higher bonuses, amazing.
I think that the Republicans have a vested interest is not allowing the economy to improve. The make the president the symbol for the country and the reason for all that is wrong. Their entire goal is simply to discredit the president and it that way (in their opinion) insure that they will regain power in both houses and that any idiot they pick will become president. This propaganda started immediately after the 2008 election. They began shifting all blame for the country’s problems to the president. The become irate when someone reminds them all of the current problems can be traced all the way back to Reagan. They also blame our current president for not fixing problems in two years that were thirty years in the making.
@BoBo1946 I know that ~ is the symbol for sarcasm, but what do we use when we are being facetious? Then again, that is a direct quote from my father in law, and I’ve heard similar things from many other Conservatives.
@jerv got’cha man! Take care Mr. J!
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