General Question

XOIIO's avatar

What is the name of this anime series?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) November 5th, 2010

I forgot the name again.

It was an animated series with big mech suits, that turned into planes. The humans had a giant alien ship that they got working, and it was a giant mech too, but had a giant city in it. Please help.

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9 Answers

absalom's avatar

Sounds a lot like Macross.

mistic84's avatar

I agree. It might be Macross, but there’s a lot of Macross series.

weeveeship's avatar


XOIIO's avatar

Not macross. It was an older series, it had good animation for it’s time, I’d remember the name if I saw it again. Last time someone linked to a list of dhows like this.

downtide's avatar

Robotech? No wait. Robotech and Macross are the same thing, are they?

ParaParaYukiko's avatar

@XOIIO It could be an older season of Macross; the first season aired in 1982. Here’s the Wikipedia page on the Macross series.

Nullo's avatar

Martian Successor Nadesico?

TVTropes page here. You have been warned.

Resonantscythe's avatar

Was the main character black-haired and wore a red and white flight suit?

Not sure tv tropes is a good place to send someone. VERY effective site for losing track of time and accidentally spending hours

XOIIO's avatar

YES! it was robotech! I love that series!

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