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ucme's avatar

What awards/trophies did you perhaps win while at school & have you kept any?

Asked by ucme (50052points) November 5th, 2010

Yeah, anything, anything at all. Be it from sports or music, academic or artistic, whatever. Like I say, do you or maybe your parents still have any of them?

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15 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Alot of art awards.I have no idea where they went.
I was also a spelling bee champ.Yeth,I waz. Isthill hab the dikshunary too! I never said I was a typist XD

CMaz's avatar

Most fish caught and released. 126
I was 8.

11th grade track team. 2nd place relay, at state.

Judi's avatar

I got my WoHeLo Medalion as a Campfire Girl. (Kind of like an Eagle Scout.)
It was in the 70’s and gold was not so expensive. It was a solid gold pendant about ¾ inch triangle.
My first husband sold it when he was doing drugs. I didn’t realize it was gone until it was to late.

JustmeAman's avatar

I won every athletic award available at my High School and lettered my first year there. They didn’t give out anything but ribbons back then but I still have them all. I still hold records in my state for a few of the track events.

tedibear's avatar

I still have my “Most Improved Golfer” award from my senior year in high school. I have no idea why I’ve kept it. I also have my athletic letter for golf and track from that year. I was the girls’ track team manager.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I think the only one I kept was “Most Distinguished New Writer” in the state of Ohio for the year 2000. In fact, the trophy broke, so I think all I have left is the inlaid medal. My dad recently told me that he kept one of my paintings that won an art award when I was like… 12.

DominicX's avatar

I still have all my Principal’s Distinction honor-roll awards from middle school (I got them for straight A’s, every semester). I also have a couple awards from high school, the most important of which was an English Award (basically my English teacher selected me out of her 100+ plus students to receive it). I also won the Geography Bee three years in a row at my middle school, but there was no award for that… :(

muppetish's avatar

In primary school, every teacher gave out four ribbons two or three times a year: Academic Excellence, Most Improved, Citizenship, and Creative Writing. I won each of the awards at one point or another (Creative Writing I won twice – once in fourth grade and again in fifth grade. I think that I won Academic Excellence once a year, but I may have missed it in first grade.) My mum came each time I won an award and has them stored in a cabinet.

In middle school, I won awards for Journalism, Creative Writing, and received a plaque for being a student speaker at the graduation ceremony.

In high school, I was a student scholar for one year and a district scholar for three years. I won Most Spirited in the University Academy when I was a sophomore (and I cannot for the life of me tell you why as I certainly did not demonstrate school spirit.) During my senior year, I received an award for something involving English (top in my graduating class, I think) and one for Creative Writing (top in my Academy.) I also had cords for English, Math, Social Science, Theater, and maybe one more – I can’t remember.

My trophies and cords on my dresser, which grates on my younger brother’s nerves.
Now excuse me while I hide under my desk in embarrassment.

JustmeAman's avatar

Wow some really intelligent and talented fluthers way to go.

wundayatta's avatar

I didn’t win any, and I kept them all!

I, too am impressed and humbled by the wealth of talent here. I am grateful that people put up with me, and jealous of all the rewards. I always hoped I’d get an award from a school, but I never did. My kids had beat me out in the lifetime award count by the time they were six, I think.

NaturallyMe's avatar

When i was in primary school, i got a trophy for doing well in a tap dance competition/exam (not school related). I don’t know where the trophy is – somewhere at my mum’s house.
During law school, i got a book gift certificate reward for being the best in the class in legal writing.

ucme's avatar

Thanks for those, some pretty damn well impressive stuff. I feel it only right therefore to reveal my own “scholastic trinkets.” Yeah well, mine were all based around sports, primarily football. Our team won several regional fnals collecting cups & medals along the way. I was our striker loved scoring goals. I only ever won one medal for track & field, 1500m. I despised running but hey, kind of took one for the team. The coach forced me into it really :¬(

downtide's avatar

I won an award for English one year. There was no trophy but I got a voucher for a bookshop. Can’t remember what I bought with it: an art book, most likely.

YARNLADY's avatar

I was on the Honor List every year for high grades, but I didn’t keep any of the letters that they sent home.

MissAusten's avatar

At one time I had a lot of ribbons from middle school track. I often got 1st or 2nd place, and our relay team set a school record one year. It was the only sport I was ever good at! I don’t know where the ribbons are now. I didn’t pack them up when I moved out after college, and I don’t know what my dad did with everything still in my old bedroom when he sold the house. :(

I also had a really cool trophy from a karate tournament. I took third place in my division (I was the only girl) and that trophy meant a lot to me. Last time I saw it, it was in my dad’s garage. He was very angry when I decided I didn’t want to take karate anymore, and I think he put the trophy in the garage so he wouldn’t have to be reminded of what a quitter I was. I was 12.

The only other awards I can think of are from college. I was in a sorority, and two years in a row I was voted “Zeta of the Year.” Each time I was given a small, engraved plaque. I have those, but they aren’t on display or anything. They’re in a box somewhere in the basement, but they are important to me. Not the physical plaque, of course, but the fact that I won them meant a lot to me.

Other than that, I’m sure I had various certificates of achievement for this or that. I have no idea where any of them are now. I hope my dad kept some of that stuff when he cleared out my old bedroom. I’ll have to ask him next time we talk. Sometimes I kick myself for not keeping more sentimental things, but when I moved away I expected my dad to always live in that house and to always keep my room as it was. It never occurred to me he’d move to another state and I wouldn’t have a chance to go back and pick up some things I’d left behind. Old school notes, books, keepsakes, even stuffed animals. :( But then again, I’ve lived without it all this long, I’m sure I’ll survive!

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