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Parents: Do you find it painful or embarassing to ask your friends and cowokers to buy stuff when your child's school asks you to sell for their fundraisers?
I have always hated when my coworkers approached with fundraisers for their child’s schools, yet I have usually purchased at least one thing as a good-will gesture. I find the quality of the merchandise is usually poor, and the wrapping paper overpriced.
Now I have a pre-school aged child and her school is asking for participation in their fundraisers. She is only 3 so she is obviously not doing any selling herself. I feel bad approaching my coworkers, as I remember how I felt and still feel obligated to purchase from others. I feel like I am asking for favors from people, and I find it embarassing. However, I am aware that schools need to do what they can in order to raise funds.
Do you feel this way when asked to participate in your child’s school’s fundraisers? Or is it just me?
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