Social Question

Is this a fair situation?
I received an email from my daughter’s teacher stating that because a boy in their class has a peanut allergy, their classroom must be a peanut free zone. She is referring to snacks and such.
My problem with this is that my daughter (and a few other kids in the class) has a dairy allergy, so unlike a lot of the other kids, she can’t take cheese crackers or other cheese snacks for her study snack, but she is the type of kid who needs protein in the snack so she doesn’t crash.
She doesn’t do well with just taking pretzels or Chex Mix or things like that, because empty carbs make her ADD worse. She was taking peanut granola bars and other peanut snacks since peanuts have protein in them, but now I’ve been scrambling to figure out what she can alternate taking for protein, so she doesn’t take the same thing every day and get sick of it. So far, she’s been taking a SlimJim stick with a fruit bar, but SlimJims are fairly unhealthy because of all the nitrites and other additives.
It just frustrates me that because of one kid, the whole class had to get an email about peanuts. I mean, seriously, what the hell does this kid do in the lunchroom? You know there are kids in there eating PBJ sandwiches! Are we next going to get a school wide email about “no peanuts”?
I kind of feel like his parents should be the ones to find an alternative situation at snacktime, instead of making the rest of the class do so.