Would you guys and girls like to wish an old guy LOTS of luck?
Asked by
BoBo1946 (
November 6th, 2010
Mods might delete this…but, here goes. Last day to tell my friends thank you for the kind and encouraging words lately.
My surgery is Monday at 1:30pm. I’ll be at Germantown Methodist hospital. As soon as possible, will give you update. I’m nervous, but positive. My third time under the knife. All on my legs. ACL and two hip replacements. Just wish they could find something to repair my brain! loll
Take care and see you guys and girls!
Bo or as Aster says, Boo!
Oh, probably will not respond to your messages, but will read them before I leave.
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96 Answers
All the very best to you. You will be as fit as a fiddle in no time. There is NOTHING to repair the brain unfortunately, I would have been their first VIP guinea pig, God knows I need brain repairs, so when something comes up I will be there.
Don’t worry about a thing, you will be as good as new soon. A quick and speedy recovery!
Two hip replacements at the same time? you are a brave soul. i wish only the best for you. your guardian angels will watch over you. just say a prayer and ask for their magic touch. john
My thoughts and prayers will be with you on Monday. My wish for you: a successful surgery and a quick recovery with little downtime and no pain.
I’m new and you don’t know me, but I’ve read some of your responses and I can see your very nice and much loved around here. Best of luck with the surgery bobo.
Hey there my friend…enjoy your time off and all the attention from the pretty nurses. Relax a little and no rush to find your way back here! You will be missed and catch you later when you are all patched up!
Good luck, Bo. I hope the surgery goes well and that you find plenty of rest when it is over.
You’ll do great!! <<HUGS>>See you when you get back! :)
I would say “Break a leg,” but that is too theatrical (and, perhaps, really inappropriate). Instead, best wishes for good drugs, minimal pain, excellent results, and full good health soon!
Good luck. You have nothing to do but sit back, relax, and go for the ride.
With a concerned look on your face, practice this quote: “My pain is a 10. My pain is a 10.”
Enjoy the drugs.
Best of luck. Hope somebody brings you takeout from a good restaurant!
I hope your surgery goes well and you recover quickly! See you in a bit!! Take care of yourself!
Just tell yourself some of your wonderful jokes…... they keep most of us on Fluther amused!
Keep your thoughts on those beautiful nurses…... you will be able to chase them around the hospital soon !!!
I think you know we are all thinking of you, and wishing you a speedy recovery <3
We will be waiting for good news from you as soon as you are able.
You may not enjoy the day after but will love it when you can walk without wincing! Best of luck! If you’re a golfer, my friend said his hip replacement sure helped his game!
I wish you a speedy recovery!!!
Good luck fella & don’t forget to charm the knickers off those nurses. Give em a good old smack on the bum from me ;¬} Oh & Hip hip hooray! :¬)
Good Luck! The good news is that my 89 year old mom just had a hip replacement this summer and she was back on her feet in record time! I’m sure you will be too!
Lots of luck! Hope to see you back here soon!
The best of British luck.
See you soon,
Oh, hi Boo!! I just saw this; haven’t been on two days now.
Gee, I hope all works out well for you! Please check back here asap and let us know how it went.
Good luck to you ! Will say a prayer tonight and I’ll use the name of the hospital!! A.
Much love to you ol’fella… You’ll be right as rain before you know it, you’ll see…. xx
Hey Bobo, let me know as soon as you’re ok so we can all start PM’in you. You’ll be in my thoughts :-)
Malama pono, dear friend. That means take care.
Hip, Hip, Hooray \o/\o/
Bobo’s gonna be a new man Monday
Lot’s of lurve and speedy recovery <3<3<3
All the best to you, Bob. As the ol’ saw goes, “You can’t keep a good man down.” Fluther will not feel the same until you’re back…so, rest and heal…then get into the therapy.
Hurry back, Miss A.
I love you guys and girls! Thank you very much!
Counting down, @BoBo1946 , I covered pretty much everything in PMs, sending the green light…
Good luck and my prayers for a speedy recovery. {{{HUGS}}}
hope it all goes good and wish you a speedy recovery.
will remeber to include you in my prayer.
12November2010 still missing @BoBo1946 Hope your recovery is going well.
Yes MsA…just got home today! I’m tired, but everything went just fine. Later will give you and everyone an update. Nothing like home!
Thank you Niki….sure is nice to sit in my recliner again!
Hi! Glad I just now saw this, and that it was dated two weeks ago ‘cause I would have been scared for you! Glad you’re back! Surgery is always scary….
Welcome back @BoBo1946! Have been keeping an eye out for you! xx
thank you Harple! Just glad to be alive and well.
glad you didn’t see it Dutchess also. It’s over…thank goodness.
Welcome back @BoBo1946!! I’m glad your surgery went well and you are back home. I hope your recovery goes well!!
@BoBo1946 : I’m glad you’re back home. Malama pono! (Take care!)
@BoBo1946 Happpy to see you back. Have fun catching up on all the madness:-)
@BoBo1946: How are your new joints? Can you clog dance yet? I understand that rubbing your legs with turkey gravy works magic.
it must be a huge relief to have all this behind you. Keep us apprised. Love, Milo
Glad the surgery went well. Hope you behaved yourself with those nurses :)))
Have a great day today friend!! You earned it!!! ;))
Thank you my friends. It really went better than i could have ever thought….walking with a cane (no clogging yet Gail..loll). Much stronger now compared to the same time in 2006 when the other one was replaced. Happy T Day everyone!
Hope all is still going well :)
GREAT going bobo! soooooooooooooo glad you’re back
wish you a speedy recovery and WELCOME BACK! XXXX
Thank you Queenie….so far, so good !!!
I’m so happy to see you back!
I hope you are feeling better than ever very soon!
That was me, messin’ up the board to the right! I’m just really glad everything came out OK, and I didn’t know how else to say it other than messin’ up the board. :)
Thank you Wilma…. I’m fine. Just a little weak.
yes they do MsA and it’s appreciated!
GO GO BOBO! LOVE YOU!!!!!!! ;)
Love you too my friend….I’m MUCH better today!
Up early, @BoBo1946 ? Don’t overdo it! This is your mother speaking!
loll.. ahhh Jill, i get up early every morning. Gosh, for the first time, i feel like a human being again.
New Year’s Dance from you!
Oh yes…have to get my shoes rethreaded…..don’t want to be bear footed!
WISH I COULD JOIN YOU in the dance…. be careful XX
Hey! Who’s that @queenie after our BoBo???!!! HIST!!!
Hey, I reserved the first dance weeks ago! Stand in line girls!
Bet our Bo’s just hatin’ this!
Hey, I’m really looking forward to this dance. This will be really fun. And, we could all dance together. I’ve never danced with three ladies before. Think maybe I should buy a new pair of shoes as a backup in case the others wear out…
yo ladies, BACK OFF LOL! I’m getting the first dance.
Isn’t that so bobo? COME ON SAY YES!
Pulls @queenie‘s hair, stomps on her toes, grabs Bobo by the hand and we hobble away at the speed of LIGHT!!
Loll… love it… Thank you my friends. We will have lots of fun!
G’mornin’, Bo, how’s the leg this morning?
G’mornin’ Jill ! Really doing good Jill… I’m walking without any kind of limp etc. Almost all the soreness is gone. I’m really amazed about the progress. Have a great day girl !
You, too, buddy! Keep up the good recovery…
glad you dreamt such a nice dream Dutchess_III ,but in reality I’m the one who’s gonna do exactly that!
really glad you’re feeling better bobo, hope you’re as good as when it comes to the dance love you, XX
You are very kind Queenie! You’ve a perfect day!
Hey BoBo!! So glad to hear everything is turning out good on your surgury. I have been off the grid for quite a while now. Lots of things going on in my life, all pretty good. My wifes book is taking off “Inside the Presidents Helicopter” Published by Cable Publishing and her screen play did well out in Washington DC Film Festival and will be filmed at the end of May. Not much golf but my game remains at about 90 with a few 88’s. Just logged on for a few min. to see whats going on. Wondered how you were doing and read your thread. Well we have a book signing to go to so bye for now write if you get a chance. Sooo glad you are doing well!!!
Your Friend
@doublebogie WOWWWWWWWW.. that is so cool ! Is the book in the book store now? If so, I ‘ll buy one. Keep me posted.
Yeah, the surgery went really well. It has been four weeks and walking without pain. Well, my left knee is hurting. Probably, overcompensation. I hope.
Take care my friend and keep me posted on the book. Tell Ms @doublebogie, Congratulations!!!!
@queenie Yeah. Great dream. I’m in traction. :)
Hope today you are feeling more optimistic… and healing {hugs}
Watch out, @BoBo1946 , obviously @Dutchess_III ‘s concern for your recovery has turned into a dangerous mania. You might want to put 911 on speed-dial.
LOL!!! I’m cutting his phone lines now!!
loll…. Nothing like good fun!
:) Just glad you’re OK. That stuff is always, always scary, no matter how “safe” it is. (I didn’t cut your cable cord, Bo, so you still have football. K? :) )
You would be correct MsD…. the best of surgery is waking up!
YO PEOPLE, im back from a week in bed from that stupid swine flu thing… but i’m still gonna dance!!!!!!! did I miss the party?
hows that leg bobo? hope you’re good and MERRY CHRISTMAS to EVERYONE!!!!!!!!
BoBo, Hope you’re still out there. I can’t find you as a jelly. Answer if you can
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