General Question

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

What do "mean", "core value" and "end/utopia/goal mean in Political Ideology?

Asked by nailpolishfanatic (6637points) November 7th, 2010

The question says it all. I am assigned to fill in a chart that is somewhat like this:

Classical liberalism core values end/goal/utopia mean

Commitment to individualism.
Human beings are seen as egoistical and largely self-reliant creatures.
Society is believed to be made up of a collection of largely self-sufficient individuals.
The state is necessary evil.
The ideal state is a ´nightwatchman’ i.e. someone who provides some kind of public order. (police, military)
Economic liberalism: laissez-faire.

So basically I have only filled in the core values but I am not sure if its right….

what do mean and utopia mean? – what am I supposed to write in there?

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1 Answer

zenvelo's avatar

“mean” (as in “ends justify the means”) is the method the philosophy espouses to reach its goal. Utopia is the ideal state that would result if there were no obstacles to the philosophy being implemented.

You get to do the rest…

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