Meta Question

Brian1946's avatar

Which Flutheronians are grandparents?

Asked by Brian1946 (32715points) November 7th, 2010

Who among you have children, parents, or grandparents that are Flutheronians?

If you feel comfortable divulging such information, what are their Fluther names?

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20 Answers

JilltheTooth's avatar

Not a grandparent, but KatawaGrey is my daughter and I freely brag about that! Bless her heart, so does she!

Brian1946's avatar



Has your daughter ever modded you?

JilltheTooth's avatar

Maybe, I hope she wouldn’t tell me, but I’ve never minded being modded, I usually know that it’ll happen. Sometimes I can’t shut up! ;-)

AstroChuck's avatar

I have nine ½. (One is in the oven.)

perspicacious's avatar

Nonnie is here.

Andreas's avatar

@AstroChuck It is a quaint expression, isn’t it! Me: one ½. Number two due February 2011.

janbb's avatar

I have one grandson but would be surprised if he were Fluthering; he’s only 18 months old. Both of my sons are occasional Flutherers.

YARNLADY's avatar

I have 6 grandchildren, but as far as I know, none of them are on Fluther.

wilma's avatar

I have two grandchildren.

jonsblond's avatar

Our oldest son joined over a year ago. He asked an anime question or two, but I don’t think he’s returned since. He’s in college now, so I guess it’s possible he may be lurking, though I doubt it. I can’t remember his username.

augustlan's avatar

My two oldest children are members here [Fly (16) and mangeons (15)], and my youngest will likely join us in the new year. My husband’s children are grown, and one of his sons has provided us with two beautiful grandchildren, a boy and a girl. Since the oldest is only 2¾, it will be a long while before they join Fluther. :)

SuperMouse's avatar

My kids are too young to Fluther, I have two four future step-children and none of them are jellies, my four future step-grandchildren are too young as well. My dad was pretty active here for awhile but has not been active lately. Gimmedat is my sister, she introduced me to Fluther but she is getting ready to give birth to a new little jelly and hasn’t had time to hang around the site much either. My fiance is also a member of the collective, but doesn’t visit often.

ETpro's avatar

I have 11 grandchildren. As far as I know, none are here. They do have Facebook pages though.

AstroChuck's avatar

@ETpro- Oh! You got me beat! But the way my oldest has been churning them out I’ll have everyone beat pretty soon. By the time grandchild #10 pops out my daughter will have 8 kids all under the age of 8. And all before her 30th birthday too!

ETpro's avatar

@AstroChuck I have no urge to compete in hast marathon. My older son has ten. My girl only And my younger son hasn’t married yet.1.

AstroChuck's avatar

@ETpro- Believe me, I’m just messin’ with you. I have no desire to beat anyone in a race to having the most grandkids. I really wish my daughter (& son-in-law) would slow down.

ETpro's avatar

@AstroChuck I should have reread that. It should have read:

I have no urge to compete in that marathon. My older son has ten. My girl only 1. And my younger son hasn’t married yet.

MissA's avatar

Three grandchildren (all there wll be), 8. 10, 12. And, I’d love them, even if they weren’t mine because they are wonderful, caring people. I know, I ‘sound’ like a grandmother.

ducky_dnl's avatar

I’m your granddaughter. (; So you’re a fluther grampa, Brian. * wink wink*

mpippin's avatar

I have a 8 month old grandson :) <3

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