What is the best way to say "thanks" to my new friend?
So, I was sick for much of last week. My new friend is very kind and gave me substantial help on our project. He also kindly shared his notes with me, so I can get caught up.
I was thinking of giving him back something, but some kind people I’ve met in the past don’t really want anything in return for their kindness. I also don’t want to look like I’m trivializing everything into simple bargains and exchanges (which I am not trying to do in the first place).
Alternatively, I can do something nice for him in return but he is quite self-sufficient and rarely asks others for help. He is also rather quiet, so I don’t really know if there is anything he needs help on. I could ask, but he might just say that everything is ok.
Any ideas on how to say “thanks” to my new friend?
(BTW, the simple answer of just saying “Thank you” works, but it seems that some say thank you without really meaning it. I want him to know that I really mean it.)
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10 Answers
This may seem trite, but how about writing a thank you note? People rarely write anything these days so it should seem somewhat special.
Make a point to greet him by name, include him if you are with other people and see him, call him to go get a beer after exams.
Buy him a beer. Or, the next time you see him, just tell him thanks for all the help he gave you, and let him know that you’d be happy to help in any way you can in the future. You may think he doesn’t need help with anything, but there might be something that he hasn’t brought up because he feels it might not be welcome.
A restaurant gift card is always nice.
I’d take him to lunch or dinner, a nice way to say ‘thanks’ and hang out some as your friendship develops. :-)
A taco or three always seems to work for me. As long as they’re not from Taco Bell, that is.
Like @Coloma said. Take him to lunch or dinner. You both win.
The idea of lunch or dinner is great, but I immediately thought “Hey, I’m a student too. What would I do in this situation?” I can’t afford to take someone out to dinner or even lunch.
If money is tight, you could always pick up a $5 gift card from Starbucks or something similar. That’d get the same idea across and cost you a little less.
Sex is always a nice way of showing appreciation.
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