Social Question

bob_'s avatar

If Jesus died for our sins, shouldn't we sin at least a little, so it doesn't go to waste?

Asked by bob_ (21942points) November 8th, 2010

Think about it. Since we’re given a get out of jail free card, shouldn’t we use it?

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61 Answers

JilltheTooth's avatar

Did my part…oops, not Christian. Does that count?

J0E's avatar

Your logic in undeniable. I shall go sin.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I’ve got that covered ;)

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Well that’s not why we should sin, but sure.

Dr_C's avatar

I don’t think I’d like to let all his effort and suffering go to waste!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Now I’m curious, why should we sin?

Blackberry's avatar

I make an effort to sin at least 3 times a day.

JustmeAman's avatar

Every single person alive sins so it is not wasted. I guess one has to understand what sin is. LOL

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe I don’t believe in sin so we should sin because sin doesn’t exist.

bob_'s avatar

@JustmeAman That’s the part I don’t get. How is it that we sin just by existing?

JustmeAman's avatar

What is sin?

The_Idler's avatar

@JustmeAman I give up. You tell me. Also, how is it that we sin just by existing?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Did this question make anyone else think a lot harder about this question after seeing the other answers?

Qingu's avatar

According to Christian theology, it is actually impossible for you not to sin. Jesus is the only human who couldn’t sin. Everyone else has to sin, because of an evil magical force that got “imputed” onto our souls down through the generations, ultimately from Adam’s original sin of eating a magical fruit because a talking snake told him to.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Gadzooks! Jesus did that because he know we would sin even if we did not know we was, so we already have sinned in some fashion. Ever get too much change and never returned it? Sinned. Ever got in a fight or insulted someone? Sinned. I could go on.

JustmeAman's avatar

When I passed on and was brought back the understanding of sin was left with me. The idea of sin is very simple and we live in an imperfect world. Sin would be the harming of any being or person in any way at all including oneself. Words, actions, thoughts all can harm another and in different degrees. We are imperfect beings and therefore we sin.

bob_'s avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central So Jesus died because he knew we’d keep the change? Wasn’t that a bit harsh?

wundayatta's avatar

I don’t sin. Sometimes I do things that hurt others, and I feel terrible about that. No amount of godly absolution is going to be strong enough to overcome my own punishment of myself.

The_Idler's avatar

@JustmeAman What is “harm” in a universal context?

The_Idler's avatar

I mean, is harming a tree or a microbe or a human all the same kind of thing? and what kind of thing would you have to be doing to any one of those things, for it to be a harm, and so a sin?

JustmeAman's avatar


I think you know but it is not my place to tell you. I am not the judge, jury or person to make that call. I just know being in and of an imperfect world leaves us imperfect. Thus the idea of a Christ or Savior.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@bob_ Jesus died for yu and I because He knew even with the best of intentions there is no way we could never sin from birth to death. It would be like asking you to stand completely motionless like a statue for one whole month, even with your best attampt there is no way you could complete it or anyone else because it is physically impossible.

The_Idler's avatar


Well I don’t really know, because I am a godless heathen.

But if it is so, that the sin comes inevitably from harm, and harm comes inevitably from imperfections, and imperfections come inevitably from all of Creation, than I can blame only the Creator Himself, as root cause of it all, and so as the greatest Sinner of all.

In fact… the only sinner, whose sin has any meaning at all.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Ahem Satan is the greatest of all sinners…...

The_Idler's avatar

From whence came Satan?

Well, in the Beginning, there was Nothing…

JustmeAman's avatar

You are assuming that there is one single person or entity called the Creator. The Universe was not created it has always been and will always be. The Laws of the Universe are set as well and their is NO entity that can break those laws.

The_Idler's avatar

So if there is not an ultimate power, how can there be an ultimate definition of sin?

Qingu's avatar

@JustmeAman, sin is harm? What? I thought the essence of sin was disobedience to God.

This would be the same God who has commanded harm, i.e. in the form of eye-for-an-eye and capital punishments for numerous crimes, and full-on genocides against the Canaanites.

JustmeAman's avatar

We live in a limited knowledge base and a world where physical imformation is critical for our progression. I’m not saying any definition is Ultimate it is our place in the Universe at this time and we as a world are about to progress beyond the physical and things will become much different. We are about to become one of the higher beings.

The_Idler's avatar

I see, so the idea of sin is as meaningless as every other idea humankind has ever conceived of, precisely for the same reason that we are all sinners, because we are human and, so, imperfect.

How redundant.

JustmeAman's avatar

I knew this would amount to nothing and be useless. LOL Keep on Keeping on.

JLeslie's avatar

Is that what it means? Jesus died for the sins we would commit after his death? I never knew what it meant.

The_Idler's avatar


Did I miss your point? Does sin have meaning?
How can sin have meaning, without even an absolute definition?

My post may have been a stretch, but I thought I was being pretty generous even ascribing any meaning whatsoever to your post.

Did you want us all to just sit back and stroke our chins in puzzlement?

CMaz's avatar

Don’t worry, you all will go to heaven.

Had a little fun 2,000 years ago. Did not think you would all take it so seriously. ;-)

JustmeAman's avatar

How can anyone converse with another who doesn’t even believe at all in the concepts being presented? It is like spinning your wheels on an icy road and going nowhere. I really don’t need to go further with this because I got out of it what I needed. Thanks

JilltheTooth's avatar

I think I’ll go make @bob_ a sandwich

ratboy's avatar

The more we sin, the more value Jesus gets for what He paid. It would be a sin to be anything less than absolutely evil.

The_Idler's avatar

I don’t believe in anything, I’m just interested in the supposed mechanics of other people’s beliefs.

I don’t feel it is necessary for someone to hold a particular belief themselves, if they want to discuss it with another. They just need to have a thorough understanding of it, and that’s all I wanted.

fireside's avatar

Technically, the absolution of sins extends only to those how believe in Jesus. This is one of the most referenced Biblical passages – John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

So, if you want to go around sinning because you think Jesus dies for everyone’s sins, then you technically have to believe in Jesus and what he represented. This is the concept that leads to so many “deathbed conversions” – just a way to hedge your bets if you regret things you did in your lifetime.

Also, you would have to have a belief in the soul if you wanted to care about whether or not you sinned, since sin and its absolution deals with your eternal soul.

Here is one of the Baha’i understandings of sin and the progress of the soul:

Man must walk in many paths and be subjected to various processes in his evolution upward. Physically he is not born in full stature but passes through consecutive stages of foetus, infant, childhood, youth, maturity and old age. Suppose he had the power to remain young throughout his life. He then would not understand the meaning of old age and could not believe it existed. If he could not realize the condition of old age he would not know that he was young. He would not know the difference between young and old without experiencing the old. Unless you have passed through the state of infancy how would you know this was an infant beside you? If there was no wrong how would you recognize the right? If it were not for sin how would you appreciate virtue? If evil deeds were unknown how could you commend good actions? If sickness did not exist how would you understand health? Evil is non-existent; it is the absence of good; sickness is the loss of health; poverty the lack of riches. When wealth disappears you are poor; you look within the treasure box but find nothing there. Without knowledge there is ignorance; therefore ignorance is simply the lack of knowledge. Death is the absence of life. Therefore on the one hand we have existence; on the other, nonexistence, negation or absence of existence.

Briefly; the journey of the soul is necessary. The pathway of life is the road which leads to divine knowledge and attainment. Without training and guidance the soul could never progress beyond the conditions of its lower nature which is ignorant and defective.

Abdu’l-Baha, Foundations of World Unity

The_Idler's avatar

That is a good answer, which made sense & made me think. well, the second part, anyway

thank you.

ucme's avatar

Kind of a gimme, where ya been?

Joybird's avatar

This is what I live by and I don’t believe it’s sin…it’s spreading joy and love.

Listen to the words of the Great Mother;
she who of old was also called among men
Artemis, Astarte, Athene, Dione, Melusine,
Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Cybele, Arianrhod,
Isis, Dana, Bride
and by many other names:

Whenever ye have need of anything,
once in the month, and better it be when the moon is full,
then shall ye assemble in some secret place
and adore the spirit of me,
who am Queen of all the witches.

There shall ye assemble,
ye who are fain to learn all sorcery,
yet have not won its deepest secrets;
to these will I teach things that are yet unknown.
And ye shall be free from slavery;
and as a sign that ye be really free,
ye shall be naked in your rites;
and ye shall dance, sing, feast,
make music and love,
all in my praise.
For mine is the ecstasy of the spirit,
and mine also is joy on earth;
for my law is love unto all beings.
Keep pure your highest ideal;
strive ever towards it;
let naught stop you or turn you aside.
For mine is the secret door
which opens upon the Land of Youth,
and mine is the cup of the wine of life,
and the Cauldron of Cerridwen,
which is the Holy Grail of immortality.

I am the Gracious Goddess,
who gives the gift of joy unto the heart of man.
Upon earth, I give the knowledge of the spirit eternal;
and beyond death, I give peace and freedom
and reunion with those who have gone before.
Nor do I demand aught in sacrifice;
for behold,
I am the Mother of all living,
and my love is poured out upon the earth.

Hear ye the words of the Star Goddess;
she in the dust of whose feet are the hosts of heaven,
and whose body encircles the Universe.
I who am the beauty of the green earth,
and the white Moon among the stars,
and the mystery of the waters,
and the desire of the heart of man,
call unto thy soul.
Arise, and come unto me.
For I am the soul of nature, who gives life to the universe.
From me all things proceed,
and unto me all things must return;
and before my face, beloved of Gods and of men,
let thine innermost divine self be enfolded in the rapture of the infinite.
Let my worship be within the heart that rejoiceth;
for behold,
all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals.
And therefore let there be beauty and strength,
power and compassion, honour and humility,
mirth and reverence within you.

And thou who thinkest to seek for me,
know thy seeking and yearning shall avail thee not
unless thou knowest the mystery;
that if that which thou seekest
thee findest not within thee,
thou wilt never find it without thee.
For behold,
I have been with thee from the beginning;
and I am that which is attained
at the end of desire.

Qingu's avatar

@JustmeAman, I don’t really see the trouble involved in talking about beliefs that you don’t believe in. Have you ever had a discussion about ancient Greek mythology? Or Aristotelian physics?

JustmeAman's avatar

That isn’t even close to a comparision of what goes on when trying to bring something to light with a few of those that don’t only not believe but want to make sure others have nothing to believe in either. There is a huge difference between really discussing and slyly making back comments.

Qingu's avatar

Well, sin is a pretty silly concept.

I mean, consider that originally, if you sinned, you had to make a sacrifice to Yahweh… a sacrifice that, coincidentally enough, the priestly caste got a cut out of (also coincidentally, Yahweh apparently likes his sacrifices seasoned with salt and herbs).

This would be the priestly caste in charge of writing the books that detail what is and isn’t a sin.

So you can see how there’d be an interest in making it as difficult as possible to avoid sin. If it was easy to avoid sin, the priests wouldn’t get their dinner!

That’s why it’s (for example) a sin to sit down on a chair that a menstruating women sat in. Apologies if I am not according this concept its proper aura of respect and reverence.

JustmeAman's avatar

I started to respond but what is the use. You don’t think that every single solitary thing that man holds sacred or thinks is good or bad has not been abused to the max.

talljasperman's avatar

no I am sure God will pro-rate Jesus’s sacrifice

Blondesjon's avatar

A common misconception. A true translation of the ancient texts reveal that the correct phrase is, “Jesus died for arsons”.

It’s actually revealed in the gnostic gospel of Gary that Jesus was quite the firebug.

filmfann's avatar

The way I look at it, if I don’t sin, it might ease Christ’s pain on the cross.
It’s easier when you don’t think Chronologically.

Berserker's avatar

@Blondesjon lmfao XD

If God didn’t want me to play with myself, He shouldn’t have made it so it feels good when I do.

What’s a sin anyway? Being human? I don’t think I understand The Bible.

mattbrowne's avatar

The theology behind Christianity is the following:

The world is not perfect, therefore sin is normal and we have to struggle our whole life trying to avoid it. But even if we try our best, the complete absence of sin is very unlikely. But if we don’t even try, this makes our lives a lot worse.

JustmeAman's avatar

You can wonder, make fun of and poke at all the information about things we cannot prove but to no avail. Until you have been there, passed on and come to the understanding and knowledge of your place in the Universe and how you belong to all life you will never understand the real concept of sin. It is not something awful it is not something to run from or to even think that sin is going to place anyone in an everlasting torment. Sin is just a necessary step in mans progression through the life journey. You can make all these scientific claims and come up with big phrases and words (there may be a few that actually understand it in a physical mortal sense). But once you have felt your place in a life force that is Universal and how you fit and belong to it you will stumble with the concept and all the knowledge that man has will not solve it. It is not something you can study and learn it just is and one has to experience it to understand it. I felt real sorrow at having hurt another being as it was showed to me. I felt like climbing in the rocks and becoming nonexistent but then the joy of knowing that forgiveness is very available and the exceeding joy I felt after having that granted was beyond mans understandings in all ways of life. You cannot know until you experience this one so continue on in life making fun of and making light of things that are real but unseen and when you pass on things will become clear to you.

Qingu's avatar

@JustmeAman, your experience is not unique. You’re not the only person on Fluther who’s gotten really high.

JustmeAman's avatar

Expected response.

CMaz's avatar

There is no such thing as sin.

If a tree falls in the woods. On to a scrub. Is that sin? No, it is a process.
“Sin” is used to control people when common sense can’t be applied.

“You cannot know until you experience this”.
1. That “experience” is there when you open your eyes every morning.
2. Not rocket science. Unless you want to make it all mysterious and such.

But I will say this, if that feeling you have motivates you to live life to its fullest.
More power to ya! :-)

Now pass that doobie my way.

Dr_C's avatar

I’ll have what @JustmeAman is having…

mattbrowne's avatar

Sin is bad or unethical behavior. Sin is about harming other people. Sin is about not applying the Golden Rule. And this does actually change over time. Many things considered to be a sin in the past isn’t anymore. And vice versa. Today it’s a sin to deny children an education and not send them to school. 1000 years ago this was normal.

Please don’t make sin more complicated than it is.

CMaz's avatar

“Sin is bad or unethical behavior.”

No, there is “sin” and there is “unethical behavior”.

Sin is only sin when the end result is hell or some form of damnation.

“Today it’s a sin to deny children an education and not send them to school. ”
No it is wrong. Not a “sin”.


J0E's avatar

@mattbrowne Sin has to do with religion. In order to go to hell you have to sin, so if you don’t believe in hell there is no sin. You can still do things that are considered wrong, but it’s not a sin unless your religion tells you it is.

mattbrowne's avatar

@J0E – Of course the word has a religious connotation, but this doesn’t change the general meaning at all, which is bad or unethical behavior. Our religion doesn’t necessarily have to tell us this. At least this is how European Protestants understand the matter.

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