If Fluther had an ignore button feature you could use on other Jellies?
If Fluther or any other Q&A site you were one developed an ignore button where if you used it a ding would get recorded against the person you used it on. If they get X number of dings in X span of time they would get barred from that thread or they might have their account suspended for X amount of time, or if they get X amount in a year they would be kicked out of the lagoon, would that be a good feature to keep the peace and make it better or something that would cause way more headache and strife? If there was a feature to you ever think you’d use it on someone, other then me of course, or it would be nice to know it was there but you would not _”push the button”?
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43 Answers
There have been many questions about adding a an “ignore” feature.
The thing is… Fluther is not about negatives or popularity contests. We are about “lurve” not “dings.”
Keeping in mind that tempers flare and subside, what you are hypothetically discussing is like having a loaded gun handy. In the heat of a discussion things can and often are misunderstood. Also once things cool down some jellies realize they have a lot more in common than they thought. This could not happen if we had the feature you describe.
This would also be abused by trolls and those who simply feel that another person does not belong here.
In fact I think the only reason such a device should be used would be for a troll- and we have flags for that.
We have a very low tolerance threshold for trollish behavior.
You’re making it waaaay too complicated, @Hypocrisy_Central. All we need is a giant ape, standing by the door holding a large wooden mallet in his hands. That ought to take care of it.
It would have to cost something in order to use it.
Sort of like reviewing a play costs a timeout.
@josie Ahhhhhhh….....that might keep people from just abusing such a feature.
Why? If you do not want to keep it real, and you do not want others to.
Then the best button you have is the off button on your computer.
I am pressing the Ignore button on this question.
Man, this question comes up a lot!
@JilltheTooth I’m a little concerned that it seems to come up a lot more often on the days that I’m active. I’m trying to not read anything into that, but still….
I’d have to set up all kinds of new accounts; what a burden it would be.
Wow! @Dog, could we have a gun instead? How cool would that be?
Woah, you’re bringing it down with all the negative vibes man…...said in the most hippyish voice imaginable :¬)
@CyanoticWasp I heard a rumor that when you hit 50k you get a gun…. ~
Nah, there is enough drama already.
As a user, I would much prefer to have (hopefully) unbiased staff members deciding my fate, rather than users I may have pissed off with my opinions, rather than my behavior. There is a difference.
You mean a feature where people you single out aren’t able to comment on your posts or to be able to PM you?
@Dog you’ll put your eye out!
I wish there had been a button that had kept this question out of my “questions for you” tab.
For the first time ever on Fluther, I’m skipping over previous answers to go directly to a response.
Being able to Ignore, Hide, Mute, or any other similar term works to an advantage on some sites. I have friends on Facebook that play games that I am not interested in having their alarmingly frequent updates posted on my news feed. While on Second LIfe, there were a couple of people that became so abusive for whatever their quirky reasons were, that the ability to mute their existence was a valuable feature.
Here on Fluther (my only experience with a Q&A site), I don’t see it being a benefit. I’d rather read someone’s opposing opinion, no matter how blunt it may come across, than to be able to block it. I learn from opposing views. They either make me think about alternatives or reinforce what I already believe. Otherwise, what is the point of being on a site like this?
No, I don’t think people should be pinged or kicked off Fluther because someone ignored them. People ignore others simply because they [for whatever reason] rub each other the wrong way. To use that to ban someone is hardly fair. If you wanted to ignore someone for your own purposes, that would be one thing [although I think it would disrupt or leave blanks in the flow of conversation], but to use it against someone to get them thrown off the site is not a good idea.
@CyanoticWasp I’m a little concerned that it seems to come up a lot more often on the days that I’m active. By all means, my question did not have your footprint on it at all, it was some of the answers and comments made from another post dealing with the quality of Fluther from where it was way back when, before I got here, until now.
We bump headssome time but I believe my logic can defeat anyone’s Kriptonite….. LOL LOL LOL :-)
I would rather there was a ”poop” button that you could push on a thread and cause the user you pushed it on to immediately shit his/her pants.
Maybe. I’ve noticed there’s a few mean-spirited people here on Fluther that I’d like to pretend don’t exist.
I can think of someone that I would push that button for. And it isn’t you.
That is precisely why I’m glad there isn’t one.
I wouldn’t use the an “ignore” feature if it would have a negative impact on another user or result in that person being banned from a thread. We should all be able to handle either handle that kind of person or ignore it, but I’ll admit that I’m not as good at ignoring things as I sometimes like to think I am. If it didn’t include that part, the negative impact on the other person, I might use if it kept me from going off on some idiotic rant because I was allowing someone to push my buttons, or I was cranky and couldn’t otherwise control myself. I might be a happier and less annoying flutherite if I could do that.
Your implementation is shitty. But I would like to block questions and/or answers from people. There is a handful of people that make me want to rage. I have awoken in the morning wondering if I still had an active account.
I think the flagging system that’s already in place is a de facto version of what you’re asking for. If a person is constantly responding in a way you don’t think it appropriate, the responses (or the questions) will get flagged, and the person/responses will be addressed by the moderators regarding their behavior.
Considering that, it doesn’t seem that this would add to the feature already in place. And as it is, the flagging system is more neutral than an ignoring system, as there are more objective criteria to flag a question or response for. Also, because it addresses the questions and responses instead of the user directly, it is subject to less abuse as the person must search and flag posts.
My internal “ignore button” works just fine. I might not like somebody’s answer much but I’m not qualified to tell others not to like it either.
If it’s truly inappropriate, the flags will get ‘em.
I usually answer “no” to this question, but today my answer is “yes”. I had to get away from fluther for awhile, due to a few people. I now prefer to pretend that certain people just don’t exist. An ignore feature would take care of that nicely.
I wasn’t referring to you, Neffie. I think you’re okay :-) But I’ve been attacked by a few meanies (for whatever reasons…my opinions don’t jive with their personal agenda, or they’re just in a grouchy mood and I happen to be right there) over the past few months (seemingly with the blessing of the mods), and it gets to ya’ after a while…
Response moderated (Personal Attack)
Ignore functions are only a proper source of amusement if you can see who put you on ignore.
I think there should be an “ignore” feature on Fluther. There are certain people that one just knows they will never want to hear from again on here. It doesn’t have to be known by anyone but you and, well, the powers that be on Fluther.
I know I’m late responding but I was ready to ask a meta question about the option of ignoring certain users ..and this thread popped up.
The Poop button, when is it going to be introduced? I’ve been waiting.
I agree word-for-word with Plucky ^.
I would really like a trap door button though. So that anyone who happens to be annoying me at the moment, well can just push the button and drop them through the trap door, and then maybe let them out later, if I feel like it.
No need. I just ignore you HC… and have been since you floated in like so much flotsam… dammit… by posting this I’ve ironically NOT ignored you… oh the ironies of fluther…
Sounds like a good way to silence dissent. Seems like a lively discussion where everyone agrees and slaps each other on the back, would get boring fast. At least it would for me.
^ Seems like a lively discussion where everyone agrees and slaps each other on the back, would get boring fast. At least it would for me.
It is not like that now? Oh, right, they just slap each other on the back when they supposedly put one they think is a dissident in their place.
Oh, right, they just slap each other on the back when they supposedly put one they think is a dissident in their place.
This is a tiny, liberal leaning Internet forum. I think your perspective us a wee skewed.
If everyone is leaning 8–12 deg. off center, those who are plumb appear skewed.
If I’m the person who inspired you to ask this question, I’d suggest not reading my posts so carefully and replying to each one line by line. When you give me so much attention, I assume you’d appreciate a reply as thorough as the one you gave. If you don’t want attention from someone, quit giving them so much attention.
If I’m not the person you wish you could ignore, then never mind. The timing of this question made me wonder, though.
Anyway, it surprises me you want some sort of voting feature where users could agree to kick others out of your threads. You frequently complain that people who disagree with you think they are right because their answers get “so much more lurve” than yours. I’d think you’d hate for the people giving out lurve be the same people who could vote to lock people out of threads. You might end up getting booted out from your own questions, if you weren’t careful!
There are one or two posters that I dislike just about everything they have to say. Even when I agree with their points, I hate the way they make those points. I do my best to ignore them. Sometimes I accidentally read if of their posts and I almost always regret it.
When they ask a question, I don’t even look at the thread, no matter how interesting the question might be. If they post an answer to someone else’s question before I do, there’s a strong chance that I will never post anything in that thread because it might alert their attention to me and cause them to attempt a discussion with me. They don’t seem to respond to any questions I ask, so I’m safe from that. I suspect maybe they are ignoring me too. I believe there is a chance that one person I ignore got banned from the site, but I’m not certain. If they are banned, it just makes it much easier for me to ignore them.
So far this has worked out very well. I don’t think the folk have any idea that they are being ignored by me. I get no attention at all from them. And everything works out fine.
@keobooks If I’m the person who inspired you to ask this question,….]
No, you had nothing to do with this question, if you investigate closer you will find the question originated in 2010.
Anyway, it surprises me you want some sort of voting feature where users could agree to kick others out of your threads.
It is not a feature I was advocating, the question stemmed from some Flutheronian of the time (maybe still here) who tacitly made reference to wishing the feature existed to use against me. I like seeing what people will say or excuse they come up with to try to justify their abandonment of logic they claim is their raison d’être. If I want to ignore someone, I don’t need a button, I just ignore them as I would a puff of smoke, unless they say something so stupid it needs a voice of clarity.
When they ask a question, I don’t even look at the thread, no matter how interesting the question might be.
That IS the way it should be if someone vexes one that much, they should just avoid that user’s thread all together. There are some who I hardly ever comment on their thread because after reading the title I know it is a big pile of fluff, or too asinine to consider seriously, so even if I glance over it hoping there is some redeeming quality to it and finding none, I move on.
Haha! I didn’t notice that someone naughty was committing an act of necromancy! Oops!
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