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Strauss's avatar

Have you seen the newly-restored version of Metropolis?

Asked by Strauss (23853points) November 8th, 2010

The film was a historical masterpiece, and the full version was considered lost for some 80 years. I watched the film on TCM last night, and also the documentary on the restoral and research. Have any of you seen the film, and if so, what did you think?

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6 Answers

perg's avatar

I still laugh at the acting, but the filmmaking is spectacular. I first saw this in college, back around 1980, and I have an old VHS copy of some mangled edit that was released in the US. The new version tells a much more compelling story. Even though I’ve seen various versions, I was getting excited by the storyline last night – actually a little anxious as the crowd chased the real Maria. And I’d never seen a version with Hel included; that addition brings better depth to the relationship between Fredersen and the doctor. The documentary was also interesting, but I sure was distracted by the bad subtitles.

Strauss's avatar

@perg Are you talking about the intertitles in the film itself, or the subtitles for the documentary/interview that followed?

perg's avatar

For the documentary. The intertitles were fine (way better than the version I have). The documentary’s subtitles were often misspelled and grammatically flawed, and sometimes used words that were incorrect in context or even wholly invented. For example, a few times they used the word “support” when they apparently were referring to the film’s narrative structure.

filmfann's avatar

This was the 4th version of this movie I have seen. I first saw the American version (recut, with new titles changing the plot), the 80’s music version, the new restored version, and this new new restored version. This was incredibly better than any previous version, and I am even more a fan of it now. God bless the Argentinan filmphiles!

Trillian's avatar

I haven’t seen the newest version but I look forward to it. The first time I wsaw it I was maybe eight. I snuck downstairs late at night and watched it. I remember not understanding it but had the feeling that I was taking part insomething that was somehow… grand. It was several years before I found out the name of the movie and watched it again. I try to see it at least once a year.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Really? No, I didn’t get to see it. I’ll have to see if it’s going to be on On Demand in my burg.

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