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What do you talk to your hair stylist about?

Asked by wundayatta (58741points) November 8th, 2010

I was getting my hair cut, and the guy cutting my hair starts asking about what I do, so I mention a few things, and then, I don’t know what possessed me, I claimed to be a writer. So he asked if I had any books, and I said no one ever wanted to publish anything I wrote. He asked if I wrote online and I told him I was on one of the question and answer sites. I’m pretty sure he had no idea what I was talking about.

Then he asked me what I wrote about, and I said I wrote about this and that and when I got to “relationships” he stopped me there, and next thing I know I’m diagnosing real people’s lives without a license. Using the stuff I’ve learned here, I trotted out bits and pieces of fluther wisdom. Over and over, he’d say, “that’s deep.” It was a little weird. Ok, it was a lot weird. I guess fluther might be more meaningful to people than I realized.

So that’s an unusual conversation. Still, it made me wonder what other people talk about with the people who cut their hair.

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