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GeorgeGee's avatar

(NSFW) If a would-be terrorist were caught with an exploding penis, would the TSA ban penises?

Asked by GeorgeGee (4935points) November 8th, 2010

Because of one toner cartridge with explosives in it, TSA is banning all toner cartridges.
Are they really so stupid as not realize that terrorists will just try something else next time? Exploding shoes, exploding underwear, etc. Isn’t the better message to be vigilant, and expect the unexpected?

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20 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

It’s the exploding boobs I am most worried about! Think of all the C4 or nitro you could fit in a double D!!

LuckyGuy's avatar

They will only the penises that weigh more than one pound.
(I’m safe.)

marinelife's avatar

Because they react, and they are worried about copy cats.

Dr_Dredd's avatar

I think they’re going to outlaw passengers.

ucme's avatar

Anyone named Dick, Percy or John Thomas may be vulnerable to sanction.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

Yes, yes they would.

ratboy's avatar

No, but the pat down would be more fun.

DeanV's avatar

What would the logistics of an exploding penis be, if I may ask?

Berserker's avatar

I agree this is lame. Banning something because it was used as a tool of murder. Damn scapegoat syndrome. Banning all the knives in the world ain’t gonna stop murder, for example. But doing such things may give the people surrounding the incident a peace of mind, or at least the sense that the government has a strong hold on the issue and is meaning to rectify the problem, as if pulling out the leaves from weeds out of your garden is gonna kill the root.
You can tell it’s a stupid idea, considering some people use their children as human bombs against enemies. What, are we gonna start banning kids, too?

DeanV's avatar

@lillycoyote That hurts just thinking about it.

lillycoyote's avatar

@lillycoyote Well, you asked. :-)

ETpro's avatar

Al Qaeda already tried to assassinate the Saudi security chief by sending a suicide bomber claiming to have inside [pardon the pun] information when he actually had plastic explosives squirted up his rectum with an enema syringe. The joke was on the bomber, though. He accidentally blew his ass up before he got inside the security perimeter. Aside from the shitty job left for the clean up workers, he was the only casualty.

The TSA looked seriously at banning assholes after that incident, but they gave the plan up after a study showed that if they did that, we would all be on the No Fly List.

filmfann's avatar

After the penis explosion, what can they do with the 72 Virgins they are promised, not to mention they could now pass for Jewish…

Blueroses's avatar

They don’t have to worry about the 72 Virgins

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Gadzooks! They will have “Belly Bombs” inside of live large dogs…....who would think to X-ray a dog to see if there is explosives in it stomach? The dogs do travel in the cargo hold, right? Oops…...maybe I just gave them the ideal.

Dr_Dredd's avatar

@ETpro Good one! I almost believed that for a sec.

ETpro's avatar

@Dr_Dredd Perhaps you wouldn’t recommend it in your practice, but believe it. It actually happened.

Dr_Dredd's avatar

@ETpro Wow! Holy crap… um, literally.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

I don’t care if there was an actual “penis bomb” they better not touch my junk if I fly commerecial highly unlikely though.

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