Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

When the Debt in the U.S. hits 1000 trillion what will the next big word for 1000 trillion be?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) November 8th, 2010

I get million, then billion, then trillion… whats the next word and what will the world be like then? you could call it an Obamillion but I’m looking for the real word

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17 Answers

erichw1504's avatar

Quadrillion. Horrible.

ucme's avatar

It’s whatever the word Bill Gates repeats when he’s masturbating…....allegedly :¬)

talljasperman's avatar

@ucme can’t he pay people to do it for him

gasman's avatar

Hewing to the metric system, I suppose you could call a trillion dollars one terabuck. That makes 1000 trillion one petabuck.

ucme's avatar

@talljasperman Would you want to wiggle his microsoft!?! :¬(

talljasperman's avatar

@ucme no…he would require professional help

talljasperman's avatar

@gasman I like the term petabuck

gasman's avatar

@talljasperman It has an appropriately obscene ring to it…

LuckyGuy's avatar

For a 1000 terabucks I’d pet a buck all week. Wouldn’t you?

ETpro's avatar

@erichw1504 has the right word for it, but I’m guessing the word Rebellion would echo in the streets long before we ever let our government sell us that far down the river.

Kardamom's avatar


mattbrowne's avatar

This is why some Europeans got millions and milliards and billion and billiards. Doesn’t sound so aweful, does it?

erichw1504's avatar


Haleth's avatar

@gasman That’s easier to say than quadrillion. I have a feeling that when/if our debt reaches that point, politicians will be looking for a new word that doesn’t sound as bad as “quadrillion.”

Blueroses's avatar

It starts with an “f” and rhymes with “duck”.

talljasperman's avatar

Edit update: Quadrillion is final.

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