Window or aisle seat?
Perks of window:
-Wall to lean on
Perks of aisle:
-Can keep one leg stretched in the aisle and thus crack your knee if you need to
-Easy access to bathroom, etc.
Which do you prefer? We’re assuming flying solo here, so you can’t just put your leg on strangers’ laps.
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22 Answers
Depends on the length of the flight and the destination. I’d prefer the view if it’s somewhere I’ve never been, but would elect for aisle if I have. Being able to stand up quickly once the plane’s docked, grab your carry-on, and be ready to go in 4.3 seconds is a major plus.
Definitely aisle seat for all the reasons you stated; leg room, easy access to restroom. And I don’t do carry-on so as soon as the seat belt light goes out, I’m at the door.
I value napping over restroom access. I vote window.
I’ll take the window. On an international flight, sleeping in the aisle seat, I once woke up with a female crotch about 6 inches from my face. My seat mate (a stranger) did not want to wake me while she went to the bathroom so she tried stepping over the seat. It scared the crap out of me. (Good thing I didn’t bite!)
After that I took the window. I can hold my pee.
Aisle. I want to be able to get to the restroom with as much ease as possible.
Window always. For one thing, I am endlessly fascinated with seeing the world from 35,000 feet up. For another, I can ‘build my nest’ away from my neighbors much better with a window seat. Besides, aisle seats usually mean retracting your leg and elbow every time they come down the aisle with a cart—which is often. Only downside to window seat is getting out to use the lav—which I do at most once a flight.
Aisle for long-haul flights. Something short, I like the window to look out. For instance, flying up and down the west coast, window is great to see the mountains. Flying to Europe? Aisle please, I need to stretch my legs at some point in 9+ hours.
Window seat right next to the exit window that deploys the slide and the refridgerator that holds the two beers I’m gonna grab first. LOL
Window seat for the view, also that way you don’t have to worry about your elbow getting bumped by people passing by. Unless your closterphobic aisle seat is for you.
Window for sure, just be careful what you eat the night before the flight so you don’t have to be hopping up and down for trips to the loo.
Window, you are not getting me in the sky without a view. If i cant get a guaranteed window seat ill fly with someone else or on another day. No exceptions.
50% of my vacation is the enjoyment i get from looking out the window going to and from. hurry up and build glass bottom aircraft say i.
Window seat, for the reasons you mentioned and because, selfish little creature that I am, I prefer to crawl over people to get to the bathroom than to be crawled over.
Over land- window
Over ocean- aisle
Aisle have to say, well already said it. Reason? Easier access to my parachute…....I’m scared of flying dammit!! :¬(
@ucme – so am I, absolutely hate it. But drugs make it so easy, a couple of Xanax and I don’t really care where I am!
Aisle, so I can get up when I want.
I take a water pill.
Aisle seat all the way!!
Definitely window. I like the view of taking off and landing; I’m tiny, so legroom isn’t as big of a plus for me; and I enjoy having the wall to sleep on because if I didn’t, I just KNOW I would have my head on the shoulder of the person in the middle seat.
I’m one of those rare people that really doesn’t care.
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