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Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

What do you do for a living?

Asked by Aesthetic_Mess (7904points) November 9th, 2010

Would you rather be doing something else, or do you love what you do?

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34 Answers

mrentropy's avatar

I like what I’m doing but I’d rather be doing something else.

syphotoguy's avatar

I’m a photographer and I love my job. My favourite quote is “do a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life. I haven’t worked for about 10 years :)

nebule's avatar

I’m trying to figure out what I want to do with my life, whilst being a mum and studying towards a degree… I’m currently exploring possibilities! Artist, Psychologist, Consultant, ....hmmmm

erichw1504's avatar

Computer programmer. I’d rather be chasing storms.

Jude's avatar

Teaching. I’d rather be paid to travel the world.

wgallios's avatar

I’m a computer programmer. I like what I do for the most part, just not for other people. I wish I could work on my own project (one that is successful of course).

CMaz's avatar

Military Pilot or beach sand tester.

I love TV production. But it is like… Work. Go figure.

diavolobella's avatar

Paralegal. I’d rather be an archaeologist, museum curator or docent.

janbb's avatar

Answer questions! (I am a librarian and I love it. If I could be a great artist or writer, I would prefer that.)

GeorgeGee's avatar

I’d like to be a freelance traveling gynecologist.

Seaofclouds's avatar

I love being a nurse. I wish I was working in a hospital again instead of a doctor’s office, but I still love being a nurse.

flutherother's avatar

I work in customer services but would prefer writing reviews of the world’s hotels.

mrlaconic's avatar

IT System administrator

I would rather be working with Animal Conservation any tips how to get started?

LuckyGuy's avatar

Is there any chance I can get paid to hang around Fluther all day?

janbb's avatar

@worriedguy Wouldn’t it be lurverly?

Jude's avatar

If I could get paid to sleep (right now), that would be nice.

CMaz's avatar

@mama_cakes – I like that idea.

janbb's avatar

If I could sleep at all, I’d be happy.

faye's avatar

I want to own a little bookstore with a cafe upstairs like in the Nora Roberts book.

loser's avatar

I’m the office manager for a dog kennel. I think I have the coolest job in the world, too!

janbb's avatar

@faye Can I be a partner?

faye's avatar

@janbb sure. Wouldn’t that just be the life?

YARNLADY's avatar

I married a man with great potential which has come to full realization. He supports me, and I am a happy homemaker.

wundayatta's avatar

Research consultant. Would rather be a writer.

deni's avatar

i make salads. i would rather travel around the world and try different food and different hotels and go to different beaches and write about every single thing i experience. i also would love to be a photographer. i’d also be happy not working. go figure.

harple's avatar

I play and teach the harp for a living…. it’s a hard life, but someone’s got to do it! ~

Marodr13's avatar

Currently I am unemployed, I am a seasonal Tax professional, and I love working with taxes.. I have been having a hard time finding something to do about work in the off season but hopefully I can find something that is full time
I am also going to school, I love school, learning new things and experiencing things which I wouldn’t if not for school
Being a mom, which is something that is a job in it self
and just appreciating life

Brian1946's avatar

I was a communications technician for 30 years at AT&T.
It liked it for the most part but I love being retired!

Haleth's avatar

I’m the assistant manager of a small gourmet market/ coffeehouse. I’m really into food, wine and coffee, so this makes me totally happy right now. I love learning nerdy facts and trivia about all the food and sharing the knowledge. (Alton Brown is one of my favorite people on TV for this reason. He rules at food and meta-humor!)

I’m at the beginning of my career so I’m looking forward to more responsible jobs like the one I have now. I want to be the general manager of a restaurant next, and then own my own restaurant or be a buyer. Buying is more realistic, but sometimes I let my imagination go crazy and think about owning my future restaurant. It will be a coffeehouse/ wine bar with a fresh, healthy menu and great cheese and charcuterie. The service will be cafe style and there will be couches and armchairs all over. I can’t wait!

YARNLADY's avatar

Can I say this here? My son is a computer technician currently out of work in the Sacramento Area, can anyone help him find a job?

Deja_vu's avatar

I paint and make jewelry.

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

@faye that is an awesome idea. Always wanted to open a cafe. Where would you put it?

faye's avatar

@Aesthetic_Mess By an ocean, not too cold but a little snow in the winter, medium size town?

Paradox's avatar

Industrial electrician and welder. It has it’s ups and downs but I can’t see me doing anything else.

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