What will you do when we get hit from a solar flare or EMF technology and you lose all the electronic devices you now have?
This would mean no internet, no tv, no radio, no cell phones etc…
Are you prepared to exist when this happens? Can you grow your own food and know what is edible in the wilderness? Do you know how to survive?
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65 Answers
Wow, you have read my mind.
I was going to post this myself. Here goes my rant…
1. Water
3. Self defense
We are looking at 8 months to a year. Without any help from the outside.
If it happens during winter. Half the US is going to die off.
Then add to that equation, the people that are incapable of surviving, the sick and the old.
Another third gone in a short period of time.
Unify with your neighbors, close off your neighborhood.. Do not share with anyone outside the “tribe”. And, avoid contact with others when possible. At least in the beginning.
The people are going to get desperate and hungry. It is going to be kill or be killed.
Your only source for food will be (for the most part) what you can catch. Including. Cat, dog and all forms of rodent you are now going be be dinner. Get use to it.
Once a few months go by and the craziness settles down. If you are still in the game. You will do ok.
I would read, drink wine and eat fruit…after setting up my own community of exchange farmers…perhaps?
And how do you stop an entire town/state of hungry people from over running your farm?
That sounds like a plan, after some stability occurs. In a year or so.
Also, since there are no longer food stores or electric. It will be a sunrise to sunset endeavor just to stay warm, safe and not be too hungry.
I think the dangers posed potentially by solar flares are greatly exaggerated, and it will be like Y2K.
Soil my Spider-Man undies.
Except that we have experienced the damage of what solar flares are capable of doing.
Thankfully, we did not have the technology around at the time for it to be detrimental.
If we have the same type of flares that we had in the 1800’s we are in big trouble.
This is one of those things that being safe then sorry will not be big effort to accomplish.
I’d play naked twister with the wife while I pondered the situation…...carefully.
Yes in the 1800 the flares were strong enough to fry all wire technology today. That includes computer circuits and everything that has electricity in it. EMF bombs are a technology we already have today and if a large one was placed over the USA you could wipe out all communication and electric devices.
Adapt or die. lol
I’d miss the information highyway but I’d adapt fairly well and quickly.
What choice would there be anyway?
No point in crying over fried circuitry. haha
I also live on 5 acres and would be easily able to grow a lot of my own foods and have chickens for eggs, and besides, I love living the life of a country mouse sooo, I’d be just fine.
It would just be temporary. Some delicate processor chips would be fried, but they can be replaced. Of your whole desktop computer, maybe you might have to replace the CPU, and then only if it were turned on at the time. Overall no worse than having your power line hit by lightning.
Read during the day and have sex with my wife at night.
How would you keep others from coming on your 5 acres and taking anything they wanted or needed?
You don’t get what it would do to the world do you. All servers that were up and going are now fried, all communication lines get fried, all batteries get fried, all electical devices in your home are fried, all network connections are fried it would be nothing like Y2K.
@GeorgeGee – True. If there were a store to go to and buy replacement parts.
And electricity. Remember this would not be a local issue but world wide.
@Coloma – The first time your rooster crowed. You would have a thousand people running onto your property to eat it.
There would be no power to plug your computer into.
@ChazMaz actually we’re due for a solar flare of a similar magnitude to the ones we got hit by in the 1800’s, either late 2012 or early 2013.
The reason for this discussion. And I am already ready for Solar Cycle 24.
Yes that is what I have heard too.
Well….since everyone lives on 5 to 20+ parcels out here, and some 100’s of acres we’d all be in the same boat.
I’d be ‘covered’ by the riflemen.
I’m surrouned by big guns and the men behind them that look out for little ol’ hippie chick in the forest. haha
Besides, I am an alturistic type, if I had something to share I would. ;-)
Just don’t even think about eating my geese or I’ll be forced to shoot you myself! lol
We are talking about mass panic and survival. What you have will have to be protected or taken. Share is a nice idea but in a panic you wouldn’t have the chance too.
Be the first on your block to know it is time to put on your tin-foil hat unplug the WI and laptop with this handy dandy SOHO/COSTEP real-time early warning system.
I have 3 years worth of wood for heat piled up behind the barn.
About 50 gallons of gasoline for the generator and tractor
About 10 gallons of water, but also have a sump pump crock that fill with ground water so with one of those water filters I can make that an unlimited supply.
Many cans of food of various vintages.
Hunting bow and typical firearms with ammo that most all country homes have.
Fantastic neighbors.
I could last a long time. Come on over. I’ll make space for you.
I going to Coloma’s house. Or worriedguy’s which ever I get to first. :-)
Actually thankfully I live in the south and on the water. Lock and loaded.
Well..there is no predicting. I can only go on my personal circumstance which is living in a rather remote area to begin with. It would take a lot for someone to even find my property, let alone seize it out from under me.
I don’t catastrophize anything based on hypothetical ‘maybes.’
I can only go with the facts.
I would be about number 3006 off the beaten path, many miles of properties that come before me.
I have 2 neighbors that are county Sheriffs another with a shooting range, and everyone around me keeps multiple firearms.
I am a pacifist by nature, which does not mean if push came to shove that I wouldn’t ‘defend’ myself, but I seriously doubt that the majority of decent human beings would resort to murdering me for my goose. lol
My area and neighborhood scene would be well defended and remote enough that the liklihood of mass militant vigilante pandemonium is unlikely.
I don’t buy into the ruthlessness of humanity, sure, there’s a few that would behave that way but I have faith that people would pull together rather than behave like wild animals.
Like attracts like and I am confident that my good nature and that of most others would triumph.
Put yer feet up and stay awhile. ;-)
I agree that the panic wouldn’t last forever and things would settle down where you are is a good place to be in the event of a problem like that in the question.
Once all the troublemakers/“troublemakers” die off things will settle down.
@ChazMaz Better call first! We don’t want any “surprises”!
@Coloma A friend of mine is a tree surgeon. He drops the wood off at my house already cut to length. All I have to do it split it. I have a 27 ton unit that can pop anything. He benefits by not having to haul it to the dump and I benefit by getting free heat. The planet benefits by having me not burn oil. The US economy benefits by not sending dollars overseas.
It’s Win-Win-Win-Win!
Lol..yeah, no surprises, the sound of wheels coming down my driveway is a BIG deal! haha
The only people that surprise me are the lost ones. haha
I defy GPS! :-)
People ate and pursued happy lives before all this technology. Why is all the food gone in your scenario? You might have to change your diet a little but all the farms now growing food will still be growing food, right?
“People ate and pursued happy lives before all this technology. ”
Sure they did. Because they lived off the land. The food is gone because without Walmart, most are screwed.
We do not grow our own food anymore.
“but all the farms now growing food will still be growing food”
And how will they do that. Without fuel for the tractors. Pumps running to water the fields?
Those farmers might be able to provide for the local community, that pitch in to help. But most of us are not blessed with corn field in our back yard. And that is temporary.
Besides, the majority that does not farm, will over run the farmers. It will not be pretty. Till the population culls down a bit.
That is why Uncle Sam will/is preparing to go into hiding, underground for a while. Till the craziness calms down and the population is more manageable.
Yes facilities are being built as we speak for many to go under ground.
@JustmeAman “There would be no power to plug your computer into” “All servers that were up and going are now fried, all communication lines get fried, all batteries get fried, all electical devices in your home are fried, all network connections are fried it would be nothing like Y2K.”
Um, no. Do you remember the huge solar flares of September 7, 2005? Measured at “X-17,” they were the fifth most powerful EVER recorded. Why don’t you remember that? Well, perhaps because it wasn’t a big deal. Many people saw the northern lights, and it disrupted high frequency communications for a while, then life went on as usual.
It would have been helpful if the question were worded better. EMF or Electromagnetic Force is around us every day. If you’re reading this on the Internet, then you are somewhat affected by EMF. (If you’re channeling the Internet, then that may be a different story; we haven’t much to talk about in that case. But I wouldn’t speak your language, anyway.)
The thing that you should be up in arms about if you’re going to be up in arms it ought to be about the right thing, at least is EMP = Electromagnetic Pulse. This is an effect of nuclear explosions, which ca be greatly exacerbated by altitude and location, as well as size. It can also be created by non-nuclear means. And it’s worth being aware of, because it will fry a lot of electronics, depending on the EMP itself and other factors about the electronics, such as shielding, connection to power grids, physical location and whether or not they were turned on and working at the time of the EMP.
Like catastrophes of all kinds, it would cause severe temporary disruption in power grids, data storage and manipulation, automotive and other electronics, the lot. But I hardly think it would end “society as we know it”.
And on the other hand, ‘society as we know it’ changes every day, anyway.
I’m not worried.
And don’t forget booby traps.
I am having the county trapper out to set snares on my property to kill the cat killing coyote gang I am contending with.
Sooo…if’n ya’ all stumble ‘cross my little green acres you’ll be hangin’ from a tree like the coyotes. lolol
I’m enjoying getting into character for this mock siege.
That was a small one compared to the one in the 1800s @GeorgeGee. I do remember the one you speak of and they came out and said that it was too small to do much damage.
Sorry I did type the wrong one and I apologize thanks @CyanoticWasp for making the correction. It is EMP and this technology does exist and is being worked on.
Not sure exactly how I would proceed, I’d do my best.
One thing for sure though, I’m going somewhere where there aren’t any people, because even zombie movies show us that in such a crisis, people are always the first to fuck everything up.
Become a paranoid schizophrenic, find a house out in the middle of the woods, store it up with a few good guns, a shit load of ammo, a good cross bow, a shit load of bolts, a nice hatchet and machete, all of my knives, a lot of fertilizer, a lot of ammonium, a list of corporations that I think are responsible that have buildings close by.
After obtaining all this, I will make bombs which will be used to deal damage against those that I find responsible for this mess.
Eventually action will be taken against me and if they do get me, I’ll get to hole up nice and cozy next to Ted Kazinsky, or however the hell you spell his name. lol
But if I don’t become a paranoid schizophrenic, NO CLASSES FOR GOD KNOWS HOW LONG!!! WOOT WOOT!!!
I think I’d become that guy that everyone is trying to stop from taking their stuff. But I’d be crafty, and I’d likely succeed in my thieving. Additionally, I’d be able to charm my way out of a bad situation if caught, to the point of befriending my would-be victim, even getting a nice meal out of them before I was on my way. It really wouldn’t be too bad.
Maybe I’d be a minstrel.
Conditions for survival and the basic tools for it are always the same. It doesn’t matter if you are Jewish fleeing the Nazis into the forest or if you are urbanites fleeing the city after massive solar flares. It doesn’t matter if you are in Haiti trying to survive earthquakes and tropical storms or in Colorado trying to survive fires. You need to have basics: rudimentary shelter, a means of providing heat and the ability to cook, you need to be able to protect yourself, you need to hunt and forage for food and you need fresh water. And forget Kumbaya when there in the throws of real crisis. People will steal, rape and kill for whatever they want.
SOME people, not all.
When it’s time to put the character pedal to the metal, well…I think it would be a 50/50 split, as it already is in the forces of good and evil.
Good will triumph even if it appears otherwise because one act of compassion trumps 10 acts of evil.
Is it true that if electronic devises are not being powered at the exact time of the pulse they will be safe? I have heard that. if it’s true then maybe it won’t be total destruction just those things that were on at that time?
@Joybird – You got that right. Pretty much says it all. GA. :-)
As far as the “some people will not”. They are not the ones you have to worry about.
But then again. You wont know the difference. “Kumbaya” will have to take a back seat for a while. Amazing thing what people will do when desperate, hungry (starving) and scared.
But like I said before. It is best to unify with your next door neighbors. If possible. There is always strength in numbers. Something else you have to watch out for. Rogue groups of people looking to take what you have.
I’m going to find a boat and ride over to @worriedguy‘s place anyway!
Maybe if I have enough ‘baked goods’ on hand I could initiate a Kumbaya situation.
Everyone would be too mellow and happy but then again, carnage could break out over the stash of M&M’s. hahaha
That’s right.
Repress the weak and less fortunate with drugs (baked goods) and alcohol (refreshments).
@Coloma I just knew you had dictator written all over you. ;-)
Save a brownie for me.
Zero-equipped here, but I’m willing and capable to take on the challenge. The first thing I’d do is pack up essentials and head east to track down Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard. He’s quite knowledgable and is well-armed.
Then I’d talk Fiddle into heading north to Virginia where my BIL lives. The guy has 18 acres and a farmhouse that runs on well water, heating from a wood-burning stove, a decent garden, three fish ponds, and an outhouse.
Would you like some Kool-Aid with your brownie? lol
@Coloma he has apparently already drunk the Kool-Aid.
wait a second…are you guys talking about brownies that have WEED in them??
Did you just pick up on that bit of herbal humor? hahahaha
@Coloma I think @cockswain needs my brownie more then I do. But I WILL take the koolAid.
nonsense, I was kidding. Ol’ cockswain has plenty of buddies with their medical card and an abundance of dispensaries in the area.
Great! @Coloma disregard what I said. I expect my care package to be complete. ;-)
Lot good your “medical card” will do. With the world spinning out of control. ;-)
Well, it’s harvest time in these here hills, who needs a card when the hills have that delicious evergreen smell? lol
Disclosure:..I kid around about brownies a lot but really, I partake responsiblly and do not advocate substance abuse as a whole. ;-)
@Coloma – RIGHT! and…
On a serious note, can’t these items that are destroyed be fixed? Are all pipelines computer controlled? Won’t trucks work to bring food to cities? Will all airlines be down? I read the google info about this. None of my questions were discussed as much as I want.
The power grid goes down. No gas to feed the infrastructure. So…
can’t these items that are destroyed be fixed?
Yes, but it will take a LONG TIME. It is not a localized problem.
Are all pipelines computer controlled?
Won’t trucks work to bring food to cities?
Will all airlines be down?
No Electric = No Fuel for transportation or people.
Answer this question 