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Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

Does this conversation in French make sense?

Asked by Aesthetic_Mess (7904points) November 9th, 2010

*Sarah: Salut Gabriella! Quel temps fait-il?
Me: Salut Sarah! Il fait nuageux et frais.
Sarah: Il fait du vent aussi.
Me: Oui. Quelle est la tempèrature?
Sarah: Il fait 57 degrès. Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire en automne?
Me: J’aime se promener en automne. Et toi?
Sarah: J’aime faire du vélo et patiner en automne.
Me: Je vais se promener aujourd’hui.
Sarah: Je vais passer du temps dehors. Je vais faire du skate.
Me: Est-ce que tu faire du velo demain?
Sarah: Non. Je vais faire du velo le dimanche. Est-ce que tu faire du skate demain?*

Do the conjugations and phrases make sense? It’s supposed to be about the weather and what we are going to do because of it.

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6 Answers

janbb's avatar

It was perfectly clear to me and sounded right. The only word I didn’t know was “velo.” I am not an expert on French grammar by any means, but I have a fairly good understanding of conversational French. I do think the future tense might be wrong; you might want to check on that.

gailcalled's avatar

“Velo” is common parlance for bike.

“Faire du velo” means to go for a bike ride.

“Il fait nuageux” is incorrect but common.

And check out “patiner.”

lilmoonchild's avatar

Hi, my first foreign langage is French, so here is what sounds nice to me :

Sarah: Salut Gabriella! Quel temps fait-il?
Me: Salut Sarah! c’est nuageux et frais.
Sarah: Il y a du vent aussi.
Me: Oui. Quelle est la température?
(Just wanna say that 57 degrès is super hot for Autumn/Fall, you should replace it with 35 for example )
Sarah: Il fait 57 degrès. Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire “en automne ”

(You are repeating “en automne” a lot , so it gives a negative point to the conversation, remove it like that )
Me: J’aime se promener . Et toi?
Sarah: J’aime faire du vélo et patiner.
Me: J’irais me promener aujourd’hui.
Sarah: Moi aussi, je veux passer un peu de temps dehors. Je crois que je vais faire du skate.

The last too sentences you wrote are just repeated, they don’t give a good sense to the conversation, you could end it by another thing like)

Me: Très bien ! alors on se voit après, amuses toi bien.
Sarah: Merci, toi aussi.

****That was my version, I hope you like it, contact me for further informations****

skkk's avatar

French is my first language, the previous version is pretty good except for

Me: J’aime me promener . Et toi?
Sarah: J’aime faire du vélo et patiner.
Me: J’ irai me promener aujourd’hui. (future simple not present conditional)

LuvToRite's avatar

French was actually my fourth language! Sine I live in America I have to know English. Im albanian so I need to learn albanian.So then in middle school i took spanish. But know Im
taking French. Im not the best so dont take my opinion so seriously.
I think its preety good. But I would just change Me:J’aime me promener. et toi? and
Me; J’irai me promener auhourd’ hui.

gailcalled's avatar

@LuvToRite: I always feel a little disheartened when I learn about the linguistic skills of my fellow flutherers.

Albanian,Spanish, French, English? Wow. And I see that you are still a teen-ager. Amazing.

(Remember to be consistent. Capitalize countries and languages. English, Albanian, Spanish, France, French, etc.)

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