What fashion "statement" irks you?
Do you ever see someone wearing something, supposedly in style, and you think, “why? Why in god’s name?” I do. But maybe I’m just a brat.
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I just hate when people wear skin tight clothing that you can see all that’s under their clothes.
I also don’t like the whole soffee shorts thing.
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What’s with the ass hanging out of the pants thing?? With your shorts half on show, Very strange :-/
@Scooby has a point. i hate that too
@noelleptc The statement that most irks me is that fashion has in any sense style or class. Some fashion does, but some is just plain UGH. ;-)
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I also hate those dresses that are so short that you can practically see everything. They should’ve just walked out the house with a t-shirt on.
Also, shorts that are so short that it seems like they’re wearing underwear. I ask myself why they bother wearing them at all. It gets on my nerves.
I guess I’m getting old or just out of touch Lol…but it just looks bloody silly to me :-/
Still I get a chuckle whenever I’m in Town Lol…. :-)
@noelleptc My point exactly. I’ve only ever seen that stuff in “fashion” parades. UGH! ;-)
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People going commando!! What is up with that?? ~ XD
@Cruiser I don’t know, but it’s damn comfortable!
Tattos on men and women that model clothes!
The tattos are distracting from the main purpose of the advertisement. you find yourself looking at the models tattoos, instead of the product they are trying to sell.
This applies to men and women.
Last one. guys wearing pants down to their knees with their underwear exposed. whats with this???
Also, pregnant women that wear tight clothes and their big belly hanging out and exposed.
Young women (or any woman) that thinks they’re cool by bringing back that big 80s hair.
I mean really? Are they planning to rob a bank?
What were the models thinking when they were told to put those outfits on?
Are any women on the planet dumb enough to run out and copy this look?
Capri pants for men. I think that stops them from being men anymore.
I hate the angled hat. Where they wear a flat billed baseball hat angeled to the side. These people can usually be seen wearing a “Tapout” tshirt because they think that makes them a fighter. :D I think it looks rediculous. I hate the way most teenagers dress. Saw this girl in a kroger dressed weird with tight fitting black closes and chuck taylor shoes. She glowerd at everybody like she was mad at the world and she just looked silly. Another fashion statement I hate is the why “juggalos” dress. These people should be smacked upside the head. lol
One more…........
A woman sat in front of us at bingo. she was wearing a pair of bluejeans, that apparently belonged to her daughter. she was a size 20 and she was wearing a size 10. maybe she use to weigh less and fit the size 10 jeans, but her butt cr….k was exposed and it was big. security made her wrap a jacket around her waist. very disgusting.
Socks and sandals. Nuff said.
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Uggs and shorts. What’s up with that?
@noelleptc Going commando is awesome!!! Freedom from the underwear!!! They made slaves of you all!!
@janbb I agree. Uggs are amongst the dumbest and ugliest shoes ever. They look so silly.
@iamthemob Seriously? LOL – I’m sure you can rock capris.
I hate uggs and I hate words on people’s asses…I’m sure I’ve told this story before but I will never forget a girl in front of me on the subway that had ‘ho’ on one buttcheek and ‘nor’ on the other…and I was like ‘well at least she’s honest’ and then realized it said ‘honor’ and thought ‘huh, that’s ironic’.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir My husband and I hate words on people’s asses; especially “Juicy” on pre-teens!
@janbb Seriously, one of these days I’ll get a pair for myself and it’ll say ‘Oba-ma’
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Enormous handbags. Personal effects are getting smaller and smaller, but handbags are getting bigger. I don’t understand!
I’ve never actually understood the socks and sandals thing. I mean, it doesn’t actually look offensive in any way. It’s just a meme really.
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Crocs are ugly. Why would anyone wear them?
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anything worn on a runway. uggs. tights as pants. ten layers of shirts when the weather does not necessitate it.
unless any of the above are neon. i approve of everything neon. but they never are.
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@noelleptc eh i’m not a big fan but sometimes its ok. in small doses. but again…if animal print is on tights that are being worn as pants, especially with uggs, i always find it hard to not want to scoop out both of my eyes.
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I no longer feel the need to make snap judgments about other people’s clothing. Sure, I might not like it, but I’m sure others don’t like what I wear. And I certainly will not attempt to judge another’s character based on their clothing. All of this crap is way too high school.
@noelleptc hahahahahahahahahahhhaha a melon baller
@iamthemob I refer to men’s capris as manpris. They are heinous. I dislike many of the things already mentioned here (words on butts, sagging, etc.), but I do think Uggs are cute, if worn appropriately. Obviously this doesn’t mean with shorts, but in the winter with jeans tucked into them and snow on the ground, yes.
I don’t like it when people dress really crazily because they think it makes them a “real character” or something like that. A former co-worker was like that. She was in her mid-60’s, dyed her hair bright poster paint orange and would wear [for example] gold lame capris, a turquoise tent top in a wild pattern with sequins and embellishments all over it, huge purple frame glasses, ten tons of gaudy jewelry, bright nail polish, etc. She thought she was really making a statement about not being your average person, but she just looked tacky and unattractive. For the same reason, I feel that “Red Hat Ladies” look pretty silly. A red hat is one thing, but some of them just look ridiculous with all the other stuff they load on. I think you can have verve and elan without making yourself look like a clown.
@diavolobella – I’m thinking of releasing a line of velour leisure pants that have the butt-words…but they’d all be terribly upsetting. Like you know, “Fat Ass” and “Wide Load” but all super tailored and mega stylish.
@iamthemob Could you make sure they come in gold lame and silver sequin versions? I would like a Lard Butt pair.
@diavolobella – Your special order has been processed! Thanks for shopping at Marie’s Fashion Basement Superstore!
Visible bra straps. Please, what is attractive about that?
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@perg Well, it attracts the men.
@erichw1504 Seriously? Most men I know have said they think visible bra straps look trashy.
BOOBS attract men, bra straps ARE trashy.
Crocs are a horrible fashion statement. They are nothing more than something that is useful to slip on to take take the garbage out when you don’t have real shoes on lol.
@deni Exactly, straps lead to boobs.
@diavolobella Sure, they may be trashy, but what do you think men think about when seeing them?
A man wore a leisure suit to bingo the other night. it was out of style, just like his long hair.
High Heels
And very tight jeans(both for men and women)
ANYTHING that is too tight, no matter how slim the wearer. We’re not sausages, people.
@erichw1504 I think men think about boobs regardless of the presence or absence of straps. XD Maybe if the straps were silky or lacy or a pretty color. Most of the time the ones you see are sort of grungy dirty white or utilitarian tan.
I saw a catalog (maybe Victoria’s Secret) offering a bra with fancy straps designed to be displayed. All I could think was, “My god, has it come to this?”
Is it just me? I like panty lines. ;-)
@perg I can sort of see it, but could never bring myself to wear one. I hate that it’s come to that, but I also get tired of manufacturer’s making clothes cut so that you can’t even wear a strapless bra with because of visible side bra or plunging front or back. If you are well endowed, even the best strapless bra in the world is a medieval torture device. Thank goodness for camis with supportive shelf bras and cardigans to cover straps when you just can’t force yourself into the strapless bra from Painville. :)
@erichw1504 and ChazMaz. Between panty lines and visible bra straps, you all need to come live in Nashville. Although I’d rather have visible panty lines any day than subject myself to a thong. Luckily, this secret weapon http://tiny.cc/ei2dp solves both problems.
@ChazMaz OK, I admit I found this look to be pretty sexy (didn’t hurt that I liked the song and video). But most cases of VPL just make me think, “Your pants don’t fit.”
Skinny jeans on guys. And I mean really skinny jeans, not just slim jeans. I wear pretty slim jeans. But I don’t wear stretchy form-fitting jeans like this; that’s just gross.
That said, I agree with @psychocandy. No, I don’t like things like the emo look and skinny jeans and guyliner. But I’m not going to assume that people who look like that are “idiots” for wearing that kind of thing.
Also, sweatpants in public: bleh. :\
I think women that dye their hair two toned like blonde and dark brown or black looks hideous. lol
Reminds me of ‘Morticia’ from the Adams family. haha
Women that wear age-inappropriate clothing. If you are old enough to have a child that could wear clothes from the “Juniors” department, you no longer should. No you are not excused from this rule for any reason. Not even if you have a great body, not even if you “think” you can carry it off, not for any reason! Yes I am talking to lady in denial that wears clothes borrowed from her daughter’s closet. You do NOT look hot. You look like a ridiculous has-been.
I agree, ‘older’ women need to class it up not get stuck in an era they have outgrown by 20 years of more. lol
I agree with muffin tops, socks with sandals and crocs. I want to also mention that a wide white belt with those low style jeans makes even a slim butt look WIDE!
@Simone_De_Beauvoir My guy saw a rather large young woman in sweats that he was convinced said “oink” on the ass. They said “pink.” That’s just poor planning.
I hate those tight jeans with huge neon sneakers look some teens around here wear. They look stupid.
@Likeradar That gave me the first real laugh I’ve had all day!
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I’m surprised no one has yet mentioned the Mankini
I know that I am in absolutely no position to judge people for what they wear. But I’m not keen on a lot of piercings, particularly around the nose and mouth. The thought of it is a bit icky to me.
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@MeinTeil LOL, subtle…maybe next thing you’ll say is ‘global warming’.
When girls wear really short shorts and those snow boots/Uggs.
Why are you wearing shorts if your feet think it’s cold? Why are you wearing boots if it’s so hot outside? I don’t get it.
@noelleptc Oh don’t worry, like I said, I definitely have to right to criticise other people’s appearance! I should be used to piercings by now, because I know a number of people who have them/want them, but I guess I’m not.
I have always been rather vocal about the fact that I don’t care what others think of the way I look/dress/think/etc.
I would have to say that carries over into my opinion of what others wear. If you like what you have on, fuck what anyone else has to say about it.
If someone told me that what I was wearing “irked” them, I would be sure to wear it anytime I was going to be around them. And yes, even if I had to wear it seven days in a row.
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i refuse to pander to you fashion thugs. isn’t there a cause somewhere you’re supposed to be pretending to care about?
and for the record, i would look fucking outstanding
My personal opinion; I don’t like tattoos or facial piercings.
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@Blondesjon I care so little about what people think that, if someone told me my outfit “irked” them, I would wear it again when I felt like it. TOP THAT, thong whale tail!
It’s not the Uggs that I mind so much. They deserve credit for being practical in their warmth and no heel. As others have said, it’s when (summer) and with what (shorts in winter) that leaves me clueless.
In fact, it’s more about what people feel that they need to wear in order to be in style that bothers me, particularly if it is around flaunting a name brand. Is it Yves St. Laurent that makes the line of hideous brown bags sprinkled with the logo? What is it that causes them to blow money on stuff like that when they can pick up a suit case at a discount store that serves the same purpose. I must be missing out on something, because I don’t see much difference in the quality.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir …I hate words on people’s asses…I’m sure I’ve told this story before but I will never forget a girl in front of me on the subway that had ‘ho’ on one buttcheek and ‘nor’ on the other…and I was like ‘well at least she’s honest’ and then realized it said ‘honor’ and thought ‘huh, that’s ironic’.
Maybe she should learn English! Honor (or honour) is in syllables as hon’or (hon’our), so her butt cheeks should’ve read “hon” and then “or”. Dumb, eh!
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Banana hammocks on men. I live in South Florida and I just think that men in speedos and banana hammocks are just plain WRONG.
@iLove . . . What about a banana sarong?
I had so much fun traveling in Asia last spring and snapping pics of all the ‘engrish’ tee shirts.
‘Insect your soul.’ lol
@YARNLADY Hear, hear!
@FutureMemory and @Coloma I agree. Gross in the extreme. Also, classless. Fashion, anyone?
@iLove Banana hammocks: When only a Yuk! will do.
@noelleptc We could probably go on for ages like this. I think everyone gets the point by now. Have a great day.
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1)Pants on the ground.
2) Womens outerwear, that are really negligees, undershirts etc.
Showing way to much skin, tight clothing, and jeggings.
Make-up and sexy clothing on pre-adolescent girls.
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