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From a evolutionary standpoint, why aren't men attracted to women who are significantly taller then they are?
Survival is merely a normal prerequisite to reproduction. Psychosocially speaking, females tend to be attracted to dominant males due to social Darwinism, the term known as “survival of the fittest”, and want men who are appealing for reproduction; wither that be being physically fit or have specific traits.
Most men, not all, prefer shorter women
Most women, not all, prefer taller men
Although this is just a generalization there are some relapsing truth to it. When a woman who is significantly taller than a man, and is considered to be evolutionary superior because of that, is there a reason for being unattracted to someone of that stature, or is it because he himself feels inferior? If women are attracted to men who are biologically taller, why aren’t men attracted to women who are taller? (for reproduction) I’m sure men would still be able to find her attractive, but would never consider her as a long term partner.
A large difference in height—not just by a couple of inches.
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