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talljasperman's avatar

(NSFW) Is it a legal to pee oneself to avoid a fine for public urination?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) November 10th, 2010

If you pee on a wall its a $150 fine… But I’m wondering that If you pee in your pants their is no fine, seeing it is a temporary medical condition…. so what does the law say on peeing oneself… fine or no fine?

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24 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

ROFL!!!!! Get a bathroom, man!

syz's avatar

seeing it’s a medical condition? What does that mean? Are you talking about some problem with incontinence? There are plenty of products on the market for adult incontinence. Otherwise, a bathroom seems much more comfortable.

casheroo's avatar

“medical condition”? do you mean, a bodily function? Or do you have a medical condition..incontinence.

talljasperman's avatar

@casheroo yes… a bodily function emergency… I peed myself one day in school…(back in the day) and nothing happened to me… but if I were to pee on the wall I would get in trouble.

casheroo's avatar

Maybe keep a portable potty in the car. If you really have to pee, use it instead of peeing yourself.

talljasperman's avatar

truckers use empty soda bottles to pee in and they throw it out the window… but I’m talking about walking from the bar when everything is closed… I see people peeing in the same wall over and over… and they aim for the door locks to the basement of the bar…they get fined all the time… but the ones who fall unconscious and pee themselves don’t get charged with public urination.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ima thinking ‘temporary medical condition’=drunk. Just sayin’ It’s still a funny question! I’ve never, ever been faced with that delima. ‘Course, I’m a girl….

talljasperman's avatar

@Dutchess_III lol right…. for years I worked graveyard shift for a convenience store and witnessed much public urination… and I’m wondering how to stop it… or if their is a way around the fine… I don’t publicly urinate… but I have a friend who has to clean up for those who pee in his door keyholes

chyna's avatar

Maybe go to the bathroom before the bar closes? That way you don’t get a fine and you don’t lie in your own piss, passed out.

HungryGuy's avatar

[NSFW] Get a girlfriend who’s into watersports…

Blueroses's avatar

Thanks, Stadium Pal!
That answer courtesy of David Sedaris

talljasperman's avatar

@chyna I’m told that bar patrons don’t have to pee until they get into the cold air of outside and are not allowed back inside the bar to pee.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@talljasperman That is SICK! To everyone watching, be cool, please!
@HungryGuy That’s sick too!
Ya’ll…this discussion is gross! Ok…did I tell you about the time when I was a college student in Manhattan Kansas (77,) and we took a spur of the moment trip to KC. Well, it was spur of the moment, as I said, so we took no change of clothing. In the course of the night I managed to pee on my overall strap along side the highway (I was trying to hurry, see) and, a couple of hours later, dumped bong water all down the front of my overalls. And tried to cover up all the smell with borrowed perfume. I did not do well on my astronomy test the next morning.

FutureMemory's avatar

I can’t imagine anyone getting a ticket for pissing themselves. When you pee on the wall you’re affecting the outside world, but peeing your pants only affects you.

Good story, Val.

john65pennington's avatar

If you really have to go, the law states that if you attempt to cover yourself and also attempt to hide, in order to do your “thing”, you are not in violation of the law.

I once stopped this elderly black man for a traffic violation. he was driving a very old pickup truck. once he stopped his vehicle, he immediately exited and peed on the side of the truck. i asked him if he could have waited. he stated. “no sir, i take a water pill for my heart and i have to go”. he showed me the prescription bottle for a diuretic. i gave him a warning on the traffic violation and let him go. i also take a water pill and i understood his situation. his intention was not to expose himself to the public, his intention was personal relief. the law is solely based on a person intensions, not his medical condition.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@john65pennington Um. You’re a cool cop. You get an AH cop, tell it to the judge, ya know?

FutureMemory's avatar

@john65pennington I can’t help but find it peculiar you felt the need to mention he was an “elerly black man”. If he had been white, would you have said “elderly white man”?

Just an observation.

zenvelo's avatar

I think peeing yourself is punishment enough, no one’s gonna cite you for that. But peeing yourself may be a pretty good indication you’re drunk in public. (why do you think it’s called being pissed?) No fun sitting in a jail cell in pissed clothes.

If this is an ongoing issue in your life, you might want to take a look at your drinking…

judochop's avatar

Well in Portland there are plenty of people that smell like pee on the trains and buses so my best guess is no.

talljasperman's avatar

@zenvelo I don’t drink or go to bars… I’m a employee who used to work across the street from a bar and witnessed to much

Joybird's avatar

You don’t just get a fine for indecent exposure and public urination here….you get sentenced for a sex crime and made to file as a sex offender yearly forevermore. How about THAT?
I say pee your pants man! If you aren’t up for that then wear Depends.

talljasperman's avatar

@Joybird who are you talking to?

mattbrowne's avatar

In Germany private establishments such as restaurants can’t deny access even if you’re not a customer. For this very reason. It’s considered an emergency and you are expected to help. It’s like when you lost all your money and are terribly thirsty. There is a legal obligation to help.

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